In shadows hide my ambitions as the winter grows as does the - TopicsExpress


In shadows hide my ambitions as the winter grows as does the cold and all good things must come to an end everyone knows sometimes even before they have begun how much time have I wasted pursuing the wrong things like dust storms across stubble fields going no where waiting for my ship that never comes in, who taught us to believe in ourselves, was it only because we didnt know the odds without the ignorance and arrogance of youth would we be courageous enough to dare to try anything new; as we age we just sit in our fox holes and trenches waiting for godot or the bombs to fall, for our plumbing to break apart for the walls we have spent a life time building to come down and then like a moth from its cocoon our naked souls to return to the unknown and what of all our hopes and prayers and aspirations vanished into thin air ignored by everyone around us its just a crabby old fart muttering to himself like the old stroke survivor in rehab who once motioned me over to his wheel chair and whispered hey youve got to get me out of here and when I said I cant seized my neck and proceeded to strangle me until the head nurse hauled him off and told me after that the old man in his youth had had a very successful dental practice, well a career drilling holes in the teeth of smelly mouths would be enough to drive anyone crazy despite how much money it made I think no wonder most of the dentists I know around her are surfers in their time off, to keep your eyes from going near sighted you have to spend some time looking at the horizon I am told but who around here can tell me how to get back to trance and altered states not on line dates with total strangers I want to expand my awareness where is my Saddhu, my guru, my shaman, my sheik how bloody boring consumerism while the list of endangered species grows including our imaginations
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 04:02:46 +0000

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