In simple English, person is legally defined as a corporate - TopicsExpress


In simple English, person is legally defined as a corporate entity. A corporate fiction was created with your name when your parents registers your record of live birth. The United States is actually a corporation. All of their codes, statutes are corporate policies and they only apply to corporations. They have turned you into a corporation to impose their rule over you. Your citizenship makes you a subject to this corporate authority. Learn who you are. You are a living breathing soul. A free man/woman. When you walk into court they will call you a person. They presume this is fact. A presumption in law left undisputed stands as fact. You must dispute this and claim your rightful title of sovereign free man/woman. You are NOT their corporate subject. Thats a fiction that only exist on paper. Every document with your name in all caps, if referring to this corporate person/fiction. You are not a person, so their corporate policies do not apply to you. To further expand on this simple explanation lets think about one thing; who has authority over you? If you are sovereign meaning highest authority, then you are the highest authority to yourself and your property. This means I can not come and demand a portion of your earnings, or restrict, regulate or control your actions in anyway outside of natural law. (Natural law meaning the law of the land. Your freedom and rights extend only to the point of others ability to exercise their rights and freedoms. You cannot steal my property or cause injury or loss to others. This violates natural law. Failing to filing taxes, or not putting your seat belt on harms no one, and is a man made law.) Now that we understand the difference in natural law and man made laws, who has the authority to make a law and use force against you for breaking this law? If you are in fact sovereign, then there is no one with such authority, unless you give it to them. The Declaration of Independence states we are all equal under the law, and government derives its authority from the consent if the governed. (Paraphrased). This means you must consent to be ruled. If I moved into you neighborhood and declared myself ruler of the block, or lets say I was elected by the majority of your neighbors to be the head guy in charge; and I make a rule stating you can not park blue cars on the street or I will impose a fine for this infraction, how likely are you to pay me for breaking my rule? You would probably laugh at me and kick me off your lawn. Why? Because I have no authority over you. My authority only extends to those who have consented to allow me to rule them. The same is true with government. Yes they have armed foot soldiers to intimidate you into submission, but until they gain your consent, they have no power. They have cunningly gained your consent through fraudulent contracts you never knew you entered into. The corporate United States operates under contract law or maritime admiralty law. The constitution and all free men operate under natural law. Contract law requires the consent of both parties. You consent to be a tax payer when you sign your w4. Sure it was presented as an obligation, but why do they need your consent for an obligation under law? You consented to allow your natural right to travel to be reduced to a privilege to drive when you registered your automobile and applied for a DL. By applying (beg, petition, ask permission from) for a drivers license, you have acknowledged that the state has the authority to demand you to beg for their permission to engage in activity that is otherwise lawful in the first place. I bet you cant get a license to steal or murder. You consented to their authority and by doing so you gave your rights away in exchange for privileges granted by your rulers. This is all lawful because your rulers gained your consent before they could impose their rules on you. Meaning under contract law, they have consent of both parties. Of course this consent was gained through fraudulent means making the contract void on its face, but its up to you to dispute this presumption of their lawful contract. You must set yourself apart from their legal society of corporate fictions and contract laws. They dont apply to you, unless you consent. Withdraw your consent and start living free. -Wolfe
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:49:21 +0000

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