In spite of past Democratic threats to invoke the nuclear option - TopicsExpress


In spite of past Democratic threats to invoke the nuclear option if Republicans persist in filibustering every single executive and judicial appointment the Senate dems have continued to weasel out of meaningful action. Twice before the Democrats have wussiied out at the last minute and the Repubs have played them like a fiddle. Now, the Repubs have filibustered the nominee for the Federal Housing Authority whose Bush appointee refuses to modify mortgages and the federal appeals court nominees, all approved by Senate committees, while the court they seek to sit on reverses the Obamacare contraception mandate. Reports are that Reid is holding off because of a few reluctant Democrats ho are concerned that some phantom future Republican President will nominate another Scalia that they wont be able to stop. Wake up! How is that worse than not having anything but junior Scalias as a ruling majority on the court now?(which is not hypothetical). These reluctant Democrats need to be smoked out into the open. I urge everyone to contact your Democratic Senators and demand that they go on the PUBLIC record on this issue!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 14:39:28 +0000

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