In sports especially soccer, Why are the players always to be - TopicsExpress


In sports especially soccer, Why are the players always to be blame when they fail to produce good results? Why as fans, they do not blame themselves first as it will boost the players morale. Irregardless of any sport, fans plays a huge role in giving confidence and boost the morale and spirit of the players so as to inspire the Team. How do we actually support our favourite team at the stadium? As fans, i believe all of us have to stay united for example we do a standing ovation, cheer and chant to support and let them hear our voices and when our voices are heard from them which in turn they will find the spirit within them. We should not be stay seated like as though we are watching the cinema only to cheer when there is a goal scored and blame the players when they do not perform well. If you really are a die hard fan, irregardless whether ur favourite team win, lose or draw, you will still support them no matter what. I give u an example for instance, If your children enters Sports Day in school, u do support your children as a parent am i right? You will not be jeering, scold or even beat up your children for not getting 1st in the sports they take part. So its time for us as Singaporean to change our mindset. Lets join hand in hand to motivate our Lions. I believe all of us can do it.. together... Lets put away all your shyness n its time for us to Rock e JBS....This is 2014...Its time to Change...!!! UNTUK BANGSA DAN NEGARA...MAJULAH...!!! * Only excused by doctor or they are senior citizens than they are allowed to
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 07:03:29 +0000

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