In summary, the crop artists seem to be saying that we should - TopicsExpress


In summary, the crop artists seem to be saying that we should re-formulate Einstein’s theory of relativity in terms of hyperbolic space. Some physicists on Earth have already done this. One interesting corollary is that the large-scale structure of the Universe might also be hyperbolic. That would explain why the Hubble constant does not remain “constant” over large redshifts, without requiring an additional hypothesis of “dark energy”. One of Einstein’s biggest worries was how to explain a “cosmological constant” of how the Universe might be expanding. The crop artists seem to have addressed that problem directly. Yes, if Einstein were alive today, he would probably be studying crop circles to learn “new physics”, since he had an open mind. A few crop circles specifically address Einstein’s theory of special relativity. They seem to support a certain formulation of it in terms of hyperbolic space. Their first crop picture on June 5, 2003 was meant to help us interpret the latter one on July 18, 2003. There they told us in visual language: “Our next image will show a certain kind of cube”. Their second picture on July 18, 2003 showed a hyperbolic cube inside of a circle or sphere. Six small “clocks” of constant time were drawn around the outside of the sphere. When we enter hyperbolic space, the sphere around that cube becomes what is called a “null geodesic”. By the term “null geodesic”, we mean that a sphere of light has expanded equally in all directions x, y or z from an origin (0, 0, 0) during some time t. Inside of the sphere, all physical objects follow hyperbolic paths as they move forward through space xyz and time t This is why the crop artists drew a “cube” inside of the “sphere”, with all six of its edges distorted into hyperbolic paths. Mathematicians call it a “null sphere”, because clock time t remains constant as space location xyz changes. This is the meaning of the abstract equation shown in the slide above. cropcircleconnector/anasazi/fringe2012h.html
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:28:21 +0000

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