In the 5 years I have been a resident of Second Life, I have - TopicsExpress


In the 5 years I have been a resident of Second Life, I have experienced so much more than I ever could have anticipated. I have met people from all over the world, made friends, lost friends, had fights and found my husband. These are all things I never expected when I created my account back on September 09. Second Life has had such an amazing impact on my life. I found my soul mate, who I am now married to in the real world, I got over my confidence issues and I have created my own litle baby and watched it grow. With that, there has also been many downs, but I wouldnt change any of it. You live and learn from everything that happens in life and that is exactly what I have done. I feel I have grown up around many of you. I was 17, turning 18 when I first met a lot of my friends. With all of that being said, It is really time for me to put my focus on Real Life now. I have so much I want to do and accomplish, I want to focus my time on that. I do not feel much for Second Life these days. Yes, I still have fun and yes I do still enjoy it, but not as much. I have never been a believer that Second Life is a game, but I do feel I have won. I have done so much during my time and I am so happy at how each turned out, I even found the love of my life and the main reason I havent left sooner, is because it was the only way for us to hang out as we lived in different countries. Well, that isnt the case anymore. Real Life is priority for me now and so the January issue of LTD will be my last. Do not worry, LTD will not be closing down just because I am leaving. Operations there will continue as normal. I will keep my Facebook account as I would like to check in with people still. Just because I am stepping back from Second Life doesnt mean I need to completely shut away 5 years of my life. And Id hope that people who I have grown fond of would still like to check in with me now and then too. Will it be easy to let go? Probably not, but the time is right and Im ready to try and conquer the real world now by pursuing and achieving my dreams. So thats exactly what I am going to do. Thanks for the ride :)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:33:30 +0000

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