In the 61st year after Hijra (680 AD), Hussain (ra), while - TopicsExpress


In the 61st year after Hijra (680 AD), Hussain (ra), while performing the pilgrimage in Makkah, received the news that assassins had been sent by Yazid to kill him. Desiring to protect the sanctity of the Holy City, he interrupted his pilgrimage and headed towards Kufa, in modern-day Iraq on invitation of the people there to come and teach them about Islam. He took with him his family members and close friends, including his six-month-old infant son, Ali Asghar (ra). Hussain (ra) and his followers were two days away from Kufa when they were intercepted by the vanguard of Yazids army; about 1000 men led by Hurr ibn Riahy. Hussain (ra) asked the army, With us or against us? They replied: Of course against you, oh Aba Abd Allah! Hussain ibn Ali (ra) said: If you are different from what I received from your letters and from your messengers then I will return to where I came from. Their leader, Hurr, refused Hussain (ra)s request to let him return to Madinah. Hur had orders to re-direct the caravan to camp in the desert plains of Karbala, on the banks of the River Euphrates. In order to avoid bloodshed, Hussain (ra) chose not to resist, and followed Hur’s directions. The caravan of the Mohammad (saw)s family arrived at Karbala on Muharram 2, 61AH (October 2, 680 CE). They were forced to pitch a camp on the dry, bare land and Hurr stationed his army nearby. He and his companions were at a great distance from the river, which was the only source of water in the area.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 04:03:48 +0000

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