In the First American Revolution, the causes included four - TopicsExpress


In the First American Revolution, the causes included four specific Acts of the British Crown government against the colonies. These were the Boston Port Act and the Massachusetts Government Act (in reaction to the Boston Tea Party), the Administration of Justice Act allowing the removal of officials from the colonies to Britain for trial if deemed necessary by the Crown government, the Quartering Act requiring the housing of British military in colonists’ homes, and the Quebec Act, expanding Canadian territory and guaranteeing the rights of Catholics to worship. Of these, only the Quartering Act has parallels in the grounds for our Second American Revolution. Grounds for our Second American Revolution include: • The SCOTUS Decisions in Citizens United, McCutcheon and Hobby Lobby • The Failure of Corporations and Plutocrats to Pay Taxes • The Use of American Lives and Treasure in Unjust Wars (Vietnam, Iraq 2) • The Occupation of the SCOTUS by Individuals with Conflicted Interests with Corporations and Plutocrats • The Occupation of Election Campaigns by Dark Money Contributed by Corporations and Plutocrats • The Imposition of Acts with the Intention to Deprive Citizens of Their Vote and Reduce Voter Participation • The Recission of Anti-Trust and Anti-Monopolistic Laws for the Monopolistic Ends of the Occupying Corporations and Plutocrats Many of these create a situation of “taxation without representation” in which ‘ordinary citizens’ have little or no say in the conduct and results of political campaigns and legislation. Meanwhile free access and unwarranted control over elected officials by those deemed ‘persons’ by the SCOTUS has been permitted. This is without the other duties of citizenship being levied upon those same ‘persons’ (taxation, jury duty, military service, equal vulnerability to the fair application of the law including criminal penalities). These same ‘persons’ have also been granted other rights of citizenship (such as free speech) unequal to ‘ordinary’ citizens. IN RESPONSE to these egregious actions by corporations, plutocrats and those in thrall to them on the SCOTUS, in Congress, in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, and in other elected and appointed positions of ‘public service’ in the States, counties local and school governments, we proclaim that a situation of non-violent conflict has arisen, one in which we intend, as true ‘persons’ and citizens, to reclaim these several governments, to reclaim the original intent of the United States Constitution and to reform campaigns, elections, taxation, representation in order to provide true government of The People, by The People, and FOR The People. We call upon all true Persons, individuals without regard to participation in corporations, to join this Revolution and engage in all non-violent conflict necessary to secure these reformed rights and liberties. These actions must be non-violent, in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, the reformed Nelson Mandela, and yet must be truly resisting the corporation and plutocratic control of government, in the spirit of the Founding Fathers AND Mothers of the First American Revolution.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 14:36:47 +0000

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