In the French Revolutionary Calendar, today Monday, November 11, - TopicsExpress


In the French Revolutionary Calendar, today Monday, November 11, 2013 is: Primidi 21 Brumaire, the fifty-first day of year 222 of the revolutionary era—the eleventh and first day of décade 6 of this year, and the twenty-first day of Brumaire, the second month in the French Republican Calendar. Fête du jour (Feast day of the people): Bacchante (Wild Ginger—favors moist, shaded sites with humus-rich soil. The deciduous, heart-shaped leaves are opposite, and borne from the rhizome which lies just under the soil surface. Two leaves emerge each year from the growing tip. The curious jug-shaped flowers, which give the plant an alternate name, little jug, are borne singly in Spring between the leaf bases.) All days of the French Revolutionary Calendar had the name of an agricultural or ornamental plant, except the 5th (Quintidi) and 10th days (Décadi) of every decade, which had the names either of a domestic animal on the fifth day (Quintidi) or an agricultural tool on the tenth day (Décadi). Ninety six years ago today was the nineteenth day of the Russian Revolution! Ninety five years ago today was the ninth day of the year-long German Revolution! 1831. USA. Freedom fighter Nat Turner executed in Jerusalem: Virginia. 1887. Chicago. Haymarket Martyrs August Spies, Albert Parsons, Adolph Fischer and George Engel are executed. 1918. World War I bloodbath comes to an end. 1919. USA. The Centralia Massacre, also known as the Armistice Day Riot, was a violent and bloody incident that occurred in Centralia, Washington, on November 11, 1919, during a parade celebrating the first anniversary of Armistice Day. This conflict between the American Legion and workers who were members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or Wobblies) resulted in six deaths, additional wounded, multiple prison terms, and an ongoing and especially bitter dispute over the class motivations and events that precipitated the massacre. It was the culmination of years of bad blood between members of the local Legion and members of the IWW. Both Centralia and the neighboring town of Chehalis had a large number of World War I veterans, with chapters of the Legion, as well as a large number of IWW members, many also war veterans. The Legionnaires lynching of Wesley Everest: As evening fell, a vigilante mob began to form outside the jailhouse. Electrical power to Centralia was cut off and American Legionnaires ordered drivers to shut off their headlights to preserve the darkness. Hidden by the darkness theyd somehow produced, the mob took Wesley Everest from the prison. Although Everests personal identity was unknown, with some believing him to be IWW leader Britt Smith, he was positively recognized as the Wobbly who had shot and killed Legonnaire Hubbard. Everest was the only Wobbly taken from the jail. Everest was taken to the Chehalis River Bridge and lynched. The next day his body was cut down and returned to the jail with the rope by which he had been hanged still around his neck. 1933. USA. Dust Bowl emerges as national crisis. Strong winds strip the topsoil from the drought affected farms of South Dakota and within two days, dust from the storm had reached all the way to Albany, New York. This was just one of a number of winds that took topsoil from farmland due to the soil turning into dust through severe drought ( Known as the Dust Bowl Years ) The number and severity of dust storms increased over the next two years as the severe drought continued turning 100,000,000 acres of previously fertile farming land into dust bowls forcing farmers, rural labor and their families to leave the land, most moving west to California. 1975. Angola. Finally free from Portugal’s domination.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:55:58 +0000

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