In the HEADLINES today it mentioned that DOCTORS are to receive - TopicsExpress


In the HEADLINES today it mentioned that DOCTORS are to receive the sum of 55 POUND for every patient they diagnose as having DEMENTIA. This is yet another example of how our medical system is becoming nothing more than a corporate business with the unassuming public being the unwillingly customers.I shall provide you with an example of how this will play out . Your Father, Mother or Grandparents will go to the doctors with a complaint lets say of depression/stress ,due to their age they will automatically fall into the doctors bracket of dementia . From here on in coin signs will be flashing before the Doctors eyes as he then proceeds into leading his patient into responding to the questions he purposely presents to ensnare the patient into a category of suffering from dementia . Once the Doctor gives the dreaded news to the patient that they have dementia, from here on in your loved one or you for that matter will be put on a course of medications of which side effects will actually cause neurological damage i.e. dementia amongst other brain disorders . The end result being the soon to be corporate owned privatised NHS having a lifelong customer on their books . Doctors are not only offered bonuses through diagnosing dementia the same reward applies to diagnosing patients with diabetes,obesity high cholestrial and administrating vaccinations all of which generates income for the pharmaceutical companies as the patients are put on a drug treatment plan . Unfortunately I can recount an example in which such shrewd tactics effected my family. The leader the head of the Mcintoshs clan a great man full of pride who exuded wisdom my Grandfather was turned into a baby within months, its in my belief that this was brought on due to the copious amount of medications he was put on .It got to the point where he was unable to remember his Grandchildrens and childrens names let alone recall who we were . Had I of been awake then as I am now (you may disagree as to the extent in which i am awake but hey ho ) I would have intervened in his medical care and addressed his original symptom myself that he presented to the Doctor. Looking at my grandfathers case now it is in my belief that this did not happen . My point being to all of this is that in most cases pharmaceutical medicine is not always the answer,the cause to the symptoms should be addressed as oppose to the symptoms being treated which always leads to the creation of lifelong customers for the medical establishments. . My advise for those that care to listen would be to do your own research into medical conditions before putting your life or that of your loved ones under the care of the soon to be medical corporate BEAST.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 13:04:59 +0000

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