In the Hadeeth, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم - TopicsExpress


In the Hadeeth, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: You will follow the ways of those before you... (meaning the Jews and the Christians). One of the traits that some of the Muslims have adopted from the Jews and the Christians - the false hope that they will be forgiven for their disobedience and whatever sin they commit even if they dont repent. Allaah تعالى says about the Children of Israaeel: {Then after them succeeded an (evil) generation, which inherited the Book, but they chose (for themselves) the goods of this low life (evil pleasures of this world) saying (as an excuse): (Everything) will be forgiven to us....} [Surah al-A`raaf (7): 169] Allaah تعالى says: {Did the people of the towns then feel secure against the coming of Our punishment by night while they were asleep? Or, did the people of the towns then feel secure against the coming of Our punishment in the forenoon while they were playing? Did they then feel secure against the Plot of Allaah? None feels secure from the Plot of Allaah except the people who are the losers.} [Surah al-A`raaf (7):97-99] Remember, Iblees was driven out of the Jannah because he refused to do one Sajdah, so what about the one who abandons 34 Sujood in a day? In the battle of Uhud, the Muslims were defeated because they (some among the archers) disobeyed one command of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم; so what about those who disobey his commandments and oppose his Sunnah day and night? Allaah تعالى says: {And let those who oppose the Messengers (Muhammads) commandment beware, lest some Fitnah (disbelief, trials, afflictions, earthquakes, killing, overpowered by a tyrant) should befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them.} [Surah al-Noor (24): 63]
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:25:00 +0000

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