In the Hearts of Green Birds, my 4 brothers … ( ولا - TopicsExpress


In the Hearts of Green Birds, my 4 brothers … ( ولا تحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله أمواتا بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون ( 169 ) فرحين بما آتاهم الله من فضله ويستبشرون بالذين لم يلحقوا بهم من خلفهم ألا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون ( 170 ) يستبشرون بنعمة من الله وفضل وأن الله لا يضيع أجر المؤمنين ( 171 )) It’s only with the words of ALLAH that I started gathering my strength and putting myself together after my heart was shuttered with the news of the martyrdom of 4 of my dearest brothers…there are no words big enough to express the pain in my heart and the sadness in my soul at the “loss” of such heroes of Islam, but, I am going to try to write what I think to be my farewell to them, praying that ALLAH will unite me with them in the gardens of Al-firdaws Al’alaa ! Ameen ya rabb… • Shaheed-inshaa ALLAH- Abu Shaheed: If you ever wanted to see a living and walking shaheed, just look at brother Abu Shaheed…tall, handsome, with a smile that never goes away of his face, modest, humble, helpful, strong, tough, tireless, always the first in any operation …you see him, you would never know he’s such a Lion! He once told me; I can’t remember how many enemy of ALLAH I killed … there isn’t a hill or a road or a checkpoint or a brigade or a dispatch or a spy network which didn’t hear of his name ! Just the news of brother Abu Shaheed coming down from the mountains, is enough to steer fear in the hearts of kuffars and monafiqeen … He’s only going to kill someone, not lay on beds and enjoy the comfort of life ! …He was a Lion in his roars, and when you hear him making Adhaan or reading Quran, you wouldn’t believe how soft and spiritual is his voice …He’s by far the only one who truly “masters” Arabic language, even he doesn’t speak it that often, nobody ever impressed me with Arabic more than him … Wherever you go, there isn’t any operation that brother Abu Shaheed wasn’t in it, even in “Calling for good and forbidding the evil”, you’ll find him right in front of you …and who doesn’t fear Abu Shaheed ? and who doesn’t respect him? And who doesn’t love him? And who doesn’t get a favor from Abu Shaheed? …There wasn’t any mujahid who was wanted by kuffars and walking freely in front of them, with his double-pack guns and silencers clearly visible to everyone ! Even kuffars themselves wouldn’t dare stop him for fear he might slaughter one of them…I had the honor to share some days of Ramadan with him, and before you know it, Abu Shaheed is up praying qiyaam .. reading Quran, .. sitting and making dhikr ….he looked at me once, came closer and whispered in my ears “Akhi, I really want take my revenge from kuffars before ALLAH take me as shaheed”…Brother Abu Shaheed is among the handful of mujahideen who had tremendous balaa’ from ALLAH,.. you need to just look at his burnt body, his wounds from prison torture, his constant, non-stop moving ,, his thin body …but he’s a clear proof to the saying “What doesn’t destroy me, will make me stronger” ! …he’s got a heart bigger than most people’s stomachs , a heart never felt fear, never hesitated.. a heart buzzing with Quraan and Hadith .. a heart full of love for this deen …. Last, I sat with him he asked me few things, and I knew he’s not living with us in this world … I felt how tiny I am compared to him, how small I am next to him .. and how great he became in my eyes .. The day we departed, he gave me a tight hug, long hug …he didn’t say much, for I could see tears falling from his eyes …I moved him aside and told him “In Jannah, Inshaa ALLAH, we meet again …” … Brother Abu Shaheed is the one who would take his share of foods and drinks and give it to you,.. he’s the one who will take off his clothes and give to you … he’s the one who will stand up and let you sit in his place .. he’s the one who will walk hours to go bring some supplies… he’s the one who will never ever say “I am tired” or “why me?” …he hosted me in his family , gave me the best I can ever think of as a guest .. .. Wallahi I love you , akhi Abu Shaheed .. May ALLAH grant you a place right next to Rasool ALLAH …may ALLAH unite us in Jannat-ul firdaws … Farewell my unique HERO, the lands of the Moros will miss a Lion like you…the hills, the mountains, the jungles will miss your sweet Adhaan and your spiritual prayers … I will miss you .. because I am still having tears in my eyes for not being able to see you again ! Farewell… IN THE HEARTS OF GREEN BIRDS, inshaa ALLAH! • Shaheed-inshaa ALLAH- Abu Thaabit: small in body, big in heart… thin in bones, strong in muscles…quiet in talking, roaring in battles… I’ve known him a student and still he didn’t finish his studies .. the love of Jihad and shahadah took away his mind and replaced the “x” and the “y” with the “guns” and “bullets” …. If you see him at first, you wouldn’t think he’d kill a chicken..but wait to see him slaughtering kuffars with the coldest blood and the strongest feet ALLAH had ever given one of HIS slaves … fearless, never liked to sit and watch …you barely could find him and he’s not looking for kuffars and monafiqeen …his small body will easily convince you that he wouldn’t be able to hold a rifle and shoot, but let me tell you; he killed more than kuffars themselves could count !!! … I sat with him once, talking about jihad and his studies…then I suddenly noticed a change in his voice, I looked at him and found that his tears on the ground like you spilled a cup of water…he told me “I hated myself for spending my life studying the knowledge of kuffars and mastering their language at the expense of Quraan and Sunnah and Jihad..”, he added “… I feel pain in my heart that my English is very good and my Arabic is very poor …I can read any book in english and understand , but make many mistakes in reading Quraan and can’t understand most of it … “ … that was a blow to my face, I just tapped his shoulder and said nothing more !! … he’s the last one I gave a hug before I travel away .. he drove me to the airport … he barely speaks if you don’t talk to him first …quiet, but his heart is crying for shahadah…met his family and all I can say to them; Jazaakom ALLAH for raising such Lion !! … last I talked to him, he was seeing the pains of our brothers and sisters in Syria and his tears wouldn’t stop falling .. he fell in depression for not being able to do anything for muslims around the world !! he wasn’t attached to any land, he was a muslim, born for Islam, living for Islam, dying for Islam .. his vision was not about the village he lives in, but the whole globe !! He was yearning for operation like we’re hungry for foods … I told him “You’re next on the list to get married, so hurry up…” he looked at me and smiled, didn’t say a word … I knew he wanted the Huur of Jannah ….a Lion like that, no woman can tame him !! … last I talked to him he said “akhi, make duaa for me, we might not see each other again…” …and YES ! we will never meet again, for ALLAH loved you more than me, chose you to be next to HIM in jannah, while I am here, crawling with my sins … I will miss akhi Abu Thaabit and his rare smiles … May you rest in Jannat-ul Firdaws with your brothers … and may ALLAH pick me up next time to fly and meet you , up there, in jannah ! … Farewell, Akhi … I love you, wallahi … and … in THE HEARTS OF GREEN BIRDS , Inshaa ALLAH! • Shaheed –Inshaa ALLAH- Zakariah: If you ever wished to see a sample of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Alsiddiq, or Sayyiduna Bilaal Ibn Rabaah, or Sayyiduna Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas or Sayyiduna Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood ,… all you need is to look at brother Zakariah !!! His body with us, but he’s never from this dunya, never did his soul rest in this dunya … his humble…humble… humble … you wouldn’t ever think there would be people like this still alive with us in this corrupted world … he’s tall, strong, tough, handsome, quiet, eager to help others, shy …shy even in giving salaam … shy and modest even to ask a question … simple in his outlook,… but ALLAH knows that inside him there is an angry lion ..he’s like the right hand for brother Abu Shaheed .. how many kaafir did they kill and how many others escape the wrath of these lions ?! … he was, like everybody else, wanted by kuffars, but he couldn’t rest without his armor next to him … you would never see him sitting or laying without a task in hands .. just mention a plan for an operation, and brother Zakariah will be next to you, begging to choose him for it …people dream about foods and comforts of this dunya, he dreams killing and slaughtering kuffars and monafiqeen !! … He is the one who would wake up from his sleep and give you his place so you can sleep …His love for Jihad and Shahadah took him away from school at early age and stage .. so, his knowledge of the sciences and languages of dunya is limited, but his wisdom of jihad is beyond most of us…he’s young in age, but old in the path of Jihad .. you see him serving us Iftaar in Ramadan and in many cases, he forgot himself … We shared several days in the jungle and the day I was traveling, he gave me the strongest hug, very strong and he whispered in my ears: “ya ****** , I love you ! I will miss you …” .. .. NO akhi ! I WILL MISS YOU and I LOVE YOU ..and I will never forget how humble you were and how respectful and how sincere you were !! I will never be able to forget someone like you …. May ALLAH raise you up in the highest places in Jannat-ul Firdaws , next to Rasool ALLAH !! … May ALLAH forgive my sins and bless me with shahadah so that I join you all , my dear brothers !! …. Farewell Akhi Zakariah .. in THE HEARTS OF GREEN BIRDS, Inshaa ALLAH ! • Shaheed –Inshaa ALLAH- Abu Dujana: sharp, fearless, frank,.. if you don’t know him, just read about the sahabi Abu Dujana, then you won’t find differences… he’s a muhajir .. travelled islands upon islands ..participated with other groups in the fight against kuffars.. but his soul wanted to rest just “fi Sabeel ALLAH” and no other worldly reward…a pure tausug warrior, not that I make any difference about tribes or origins, but he’s born warrior , his long hair, and black-painted barret are his traits… he barely speaks, leaving you with the wish to hear his voice … there isn’t a fixed time for brother Abu Dujana to be found, he’s always busy with something … of all the time we shared together in the jungles, he just asked me one question, and that was about a hukm (ruling) in killing some “kuffars”…he’s always listening to Quraan, nasheeds and mostly, Islamic lectures .. days and nights, he’s learning something… he’s got the widest smile, he’d smile until you can’t see his eyes ...but when talking about the agony and pain that muslims are suffering at the hands of kuffars, you would see his face blackened from anger … his brothers told me he took an operation on his own that knocked down half a building and killed scores of murtaddeen and kuffars , just by himself !! … If you want to see his happy face, just talk about Huur Al’ain ! he’ll be happy, as if he’s looking at his wives in jannah , subhaan ALLAH ! … he asked me a personal question and I couldn’t answer him, may he forgave me … I called him Abu Sayyaf and he likes it … my last hug to him before I traveled , he asked me :” please come back and stay with us , don’t go again! …” … I’ll be back, but will I find YOU ?? … your path was shorter than mine, your heart was purer than mine, your love for shahadah and your sincere care for Islam and muslims were far greater than mine .. and so you’re gone and I am back to mountains and jungles to just try to bring some memories of those rainy nights where you climb up with foods and supplies to us …I’ll remember the jokes we shared when we’re building our camp… the smiles we had when we’re talking about Huur Al’ain ,…the happy times in our small wooden house… you’ll always be remembered, akhi Abu Dujana !! …Farewell, akhi Abu Dujana… In THE HEARTS OF GREEN BIRDS, Inshaa ALLAH ! It’s like these brothers that mothers should raise their kids , and with these brothers that Islam will prevail and for such brothers that we should weep… … May ALLAH bless me with shahadah and unite us in Jannah, like we were once united in the jungles … Ameen! Your old brother…LOVE YOU ALL, LILLAH , FI SABEEL ALLAH.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 12:04:59 +0000

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