In the Midst of Dirty Dishes Sharon Glasgow Show hospitality - TopicsExpress


In the Midst of Dirty Dishes Sharon Glasgow Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of Gods varied grace: ... whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 4:9–11 ESV) She and her husband had been missionaries for over sixty years and led countless people to Christ. Now she was in her eighties and still serving. My friend Sheli and I were honored to stay with her for a week to minister alongside her. After traveling thirty hours to her home in Takamatsu, Japan, we arrived late in the evening. She ushered us into her kitchen for a hearty meal, then prayed for us before we all went to bed. When the sun was barely up the next morning, we feasted on an enormous breakfast in her tiny kitchen. The kitchen was crowded, her appliances old and worn, dishes piled high in the sink from her lavish food preparation—yet the atmosphere felt entirely like home. As she and her husband read Scripture and encouraged us, tears welled up in my eyes, the love of Christ enveloped us; it overwhelmed me. Immediately after breakfast, she began cooking again, this time for 100 women. Shed rented a banquet hall and invited friends, telling them an American would be speaking and there would be food. We cooked, set up tables for the luncheon, and then I was ushered to the front to speak. Her objective in hosting the event was to build a bridge in hopes that those who came for lunch would come back again for church on Sunday. Many did! While driving home after the lunch, she told me shed invited a large group to the house for dinner that night. I couldnt imagine how we could clean up the mess wed left behind and simultaneously prepare another meal. How would we get it all done? She didnt seem concerned. Instead, she was fueled by the energy of what the Lord had done at the luncheon. There have been times Ive worried more about my kitchen than how I can serve others. I fret over the size and messiness. But I was inspired as I watched this woman who had no concerns about the dirty pots in her sink. She didnt let an unswept floor keep her from ministering. She set the table beautifully and welcomed her guests. She and her husband prayed and read Scripture. Hearts melted. Years have passed since that week in Japan and I think of her whenever I have company. Over the course of her life, she has ministered to thousands in her home, and many have come to know Jesus there. Her ministry has nothing to do with a spotless kitchen. In fact, her kitchen was a mess. But whenever God opens a window of opportunity, she seizes it. I want my service to be like that described by the apostle Peter, grounded in the strength that God supplies. I want to long for people to know Jesus more than I long for the perfect kitchen. God cares more about whats happening among the people in our kitchen than He cares about the state of it. My missionary friend taught me that it is possible to share Gods love, demonstrate His character, and offer hospitality, even in the midst of dirty dishes. Dear Lord, show me ways to serve through the resources Youve given me. Help me care more about people than things like dirty dishes. In Jesus name, Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 10:18:51 +0000

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