In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah] The following is from Shaikh - TopicsExpress


In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah] The following is from Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (rahimhu Llah), and is composed in the rhymed and rhythmic, but not metrical, prose called Saj’, as you will see from the transliterated Arabic. May Allah be well pleased with him! On some of the many precious blessings conferred by “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah].” “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is a treasure for those who remember, a mighty resource for the strong, a protective talisman for the weak, a radiant light for lovers, and a joyful delight for those who are filled with yearning. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the consolation of our spiritual natures [arwah]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the salvation of our bodily forms [ashbah]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the light that illuminates our breasts [sudur]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the organizing principle that regulates our affairs [umur]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the crown of the truly confident [taj al-wathiqin]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the lamp of those who reach their destination [siraj al-wasilin]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is that which satisfies the needs of ardent lovers [mughni’l-’ashiqin]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the Name of the One who honors certain servants and humiliates certain servants [‘ibad]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the Name of the One who keeps the Fire of Hell in store for His enemies as an ambush [mirsad],and who keeps the Beatific Vision in store for His friends as a promised rendezvous [mi ‘ad]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the Name of the Single One without number [Wahid bi-la ‘adad]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the Name of the One who endures forever without end [al-Baqi bi-la amad]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the Name of the One who stands firm without supporting props [Qa’im bi-la ‘amad]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is the invocation that serves as an introduction [iftitah] to every Sura [of the Qur’an]. It is the Name of the One who brings good cheer to those who practice solitary retreats [khalawat]. It is the Name of the One who brings a sense of completeness to those who perform the ritual prayers [salawat]. It is the Name of the One who inspires us to improve our minds by thinking better thoughts [zunun]. It is the Name of the One for whose sake we spend the night with sleepless eyes [‘uyun]. It is the Name of the One who has only to say to something, “Be!” and there it is [yakun]. It is the Name of the One who is far beyond description in terms of physical touch [misas]. It is the Name of the One who can dispense entirely with human beings [unas]. It is the Name of the One who rises majestically above all comparison [qiyas]. Say: “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” letter by letter [harfan harfa],for then you will receive the recompense in multiples of a thousand [alfan alfa],and the burdens of sin will be scooped away from you by the shovelful [jarfan jarfa]. If someone says it with his tongue, that person will witness all that is offered by this world [dunya]. If someone says it with his heart, that person will witness all that is offered by the world hereafter [‘uqba]. And if someone says it with his innermost being, that person will actually witness the Master [Mawla]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is a phrase that brings a pleasant sensation to the mouth [fam]. “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is a phrase with which no feeling of unhappiness [ghamm] can coexist. It is a phrase that brings about the perfection of good fortune [ni’ma]. It is a phrase that brings about the abolition of misfortune [niqma]. It is a phrase that accounts for the special privileges enjoyed by this [the Islamic] Community [Umma]. To utter the whole phrase, “In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate [Bismi’llahi’r-Rahmani’r-Rahim],” is to pronounce a simultaneous invocation of Divine Majesty [Jalal] and Divine Beauty [Jamal],for “In the Name of Allah [Bismi’llah]” is an invocation of Divine Majesty within an expression of majesty [Jalal fi jalal],while “the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate [ar-Rahmani’r-Rahim]” is an invocation of Divine Beauty within an expression of beauty [Jamal fi jamal]. Those who witness His Majesty are likely to lose their wits [tasha]; whereas those who witness His Beauty are sure to prosper [‘asha]. The whole phrase represents a simultaneous invocation of Divine Power [Qudra] and Divine Mercy [Rahma], whereby the Divine Power adds together all the acts of obedience performed by the obedient [muti’in], while the Divine Mercy erases all the sins committed by the sinners [mudhnibin].
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 13:05:51 +0000

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