In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful :-) Muslims - TopicsExpress


In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful :-) Muslims in America are weak because American culture is weak and promotes selfishness A Muslim Ummah is one that follows the Quran and the Sunnah. They say we hear and we obey. To have Muslims in the company of other Muslims and have illiteracy of the deen, the value of education, the power of recourses, to discriminate again anyone based on race, family lineage, household problems, cultural differences (# of years in America and the amount of culture one has picked up) has NOTHING to do with ISLAM. To look down on people we know nothing about or make assumptions about their future is not what Muslims do. Islam is strange in America because our mouths are bigger than our actions. We like to believe it’s okay to let others be unhappy as long as everyone knows and loves us. We like in America yet we can’t even unite our families, our community, how will we change a country and the rest of the world? Islam is a call to Humanity. Prophet Muahmmed PBUH is the Prophet and final messanger and your life transforms because it is the WORD OF GOD. That’s what it is suppose to do. Liberate all those that are oppressed by people that are sacrificing social integrity and the rights of others for their own selfish gain in the world. This is not ISLAM. If we really wanted Jannah Al Firdous and see the Prophet PBUH we would never be willing to hurt any of our own people with our mouth or our actions. We would be working to uplift the immigrant families that are new to this country and try understand their personal stories and make their lives as happy as ours. We wouldn’t leave family members out of social circles because the generations that have been raised in America can’t understand a generation that just got to America. After living in the U.S.and seeing both American Muslims and Christians I have to sincerely admit I respect Christian’s way more. They are much classier people. They work harder to bring people together, they are willing to draw attention to the real issues, to stand up for what’s right and fight for the little guy. The person that likes to tell you about the their personal accomplishments is a person that has forgotten that everything they have is from God. Muslims have created a culture where they teach their children to live arrogantly. I’ve watched as one person after another has ignored people and certain families because they live in an apartment and another persons family lives in an apartment. I personally would rather live like a bum rather that waste my money on a mansion until I was in the most ideal financial situation. Stop sitting around and talking negatively about other peoples daughters/ sons. If you don’t have nice things to save about another family please don’t’ say it. Allah swt takes everyone reputation in the world seriously not just your families. We will not die with our families, our children, or a single person next to us. We will all answer to God alone. Therefore insulting a single one of His creation will not get us anywhere. We should focus on making sure children that do not have Islamic knowledge have it. Girls that are not covering there hair will not want to when they don’t even like your company. If your company consists of gossiping they why would anyone want to take our example? Every family wants to maximize opportunities. We live in America. The problem is many Muslim families are willing to sacrifice Islamic values: deal in interest (Which is like picking up a sword against Allah swt) and then talk about the families that aren’t living their life that way. Im sorry brother did we forget to tell you, that Muslim brother/sister had Allah’s right of your fine example that would make him/her want to be more like you. The greatest scholars didn’t become the greatest scholars because they had perfect life. God kept throwing them into situations they could never understand, kept making them completely uncomfortable around people that had no value for all of humanity. Everyone get’s one shot at life, why is one person more valuable than another? If we continue down this path we all know one reality, we can never come back. Therefore to insult others on our way up bears no resemblance to the example of the Prophet PBUH. Personally it is my strongest believe that a Muslim child will grow into a better company in the company of practicing Muslims and then we need to send knowledgeable people into the Public Education system to spread awareness. The entire community (not who we like and don’t like) needs to gather together and start national campaigns to provide tools and resources that can be placed in every single school system/ library so that we can make Islam a really and an answer for all of life’s problems even for the Non Muslim. Lets stop rewarding children for doing nothing. That only creates monsters that turn out no better than the arrogant snob that thinks they no it all. Reward is with all. Putting up peoples names and families names has nothing to do with Islam. We are destroying Islam. How do you think the child whose father cleans the mosque feels when their fathers/parents name/ families name didn’t show up when they couldn’t make that same donation. Oh and Non Muslims and the Poor have the biggest rights on us. We can’t teach people anything if we are yelling at them and telling them they aren’t as good as us. Also God actually loves those that give in secret best. So that means we would not be telling others and boasting about the work we do and just try to become the biggest contribution to ALL OF HUMANITY before we die. Think about all the continents that mean we have to reach and all the poverty we have to eliminate. We are not deaf dumb or blind. We live in the most powerful nation and we letting all the presidents and administration kill our own people. We are not productive because we don’t even have each other’s back. We think we are doing others favors by actually being nice to them and doing our JOB of being MUSLIM
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 11:42:10 +0000

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