In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficient, the All-Merciful, the - TopicsExpress


In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficient, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. There is no God except Allah, the Source of Peace, The Possessor of Safety, Guardian of Faith, The Exalted in might, The Irresistible, The Supreme, Glory be to Allah, who is high above the partners they associate with Him. He is Allah the Creator, The maker, The Fashioner. To Him belong the most beautiful Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, The All-wise. I give all praises and thanks to Almighty Allah(S.W.T) for making me to add a year to my age today. Alhamdulillah Robillihallamin!! Some has lost their lives, some are in the hospital but here i am today in a good health. Hmmmmmn!! Today, am a year older, it also reminds me that am a year lesser to my grave today. Ya Allah, i know am a sinner. Please forgive me my sins, conceal my sins, forgive my weakness, heal my defects, forgive my misdeeds, accept my repentance and let me depart this life while you are pleased with me. Let me depart this life while i am your pious servant. O Allah, let me depart this life pure of sins. O Guardians of Belivers. For You alone is the All-forgiving(AL-GHAFUUR). Ya Allah!! Please do rectify all my Affairs that are wrong. O Allah!! Please do fill in my poverty with your richness. O Allah!! Please do change my illmanners through Your excellent manners. O Allah!! Confer upon me with the grace of making me cast my sight down against what is illegal for me to look at. And making me act chastely. And making me stop committing any deed that you have deemed unlawful. So that nothing will be more preferred in my sight than the obedience to You and the fear of You. And doing all that which You Love. And avoiding all that which You have detested and warned against. And please make all that take place with easiness, lenience and good health as well as the grave that You have bestowed upon me. Ya Allah, please grant me strength and happiness. Ya Allah!! You know my heart and only You can help me. Ya Allah!! Help me! Shower your mercy upon me. O Allah!! Inspire me with good conduct and save me from the evil of my Selfishness. O Allah!! I ask You to guide me to the doing of good deeds and abstaining from bad deeds. And I love those who are humble, and to forgive me and show mercy to me. And if You wish a trial for your Servants, then take me to You before falling into it. O Allah!! Grant me such fear of You as will come between an acts of disobedience to You. And such obedience to You as will bring me to Your Garden. And such certainly Ya Allah that the calamities of this world will be made easy for me by You. Ya Allah!! As i add a year to my age today, grant to me more wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Grant to me more Taqwah. Let me witness many more happy and fruitful years to come on earth. Grant to me Long life and Prosperity. Verily, You have Power over all things. Amin thumma amin.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 08:11:06 +0000

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