In the Year 1776 our Fore Fathers sat down and began the crafting - TopicsExpress


In the Year 1776 our Fore Fathers sat down and began the crafting of the framework for what would become the greatest representative Republic the World has ever known . Starting with a Constitution and a Bill Of Rights it has grown and prospered and become a Sovereign Nation with clearly defined borders and a Massive Government built for the purpose of defending its borders and upholding the rule of its laws based upon the foundation of its Constitution and Bill of Rights , Now in the year 2014 we are at a crossroads in our Nations History . Our Government is no longer holding to the rule of law or the framework of our Constitution , Our President has assumed powers to write and alter legislation enacted by Congress and by doing so has nullified the power of Congress to influence the executive branch of Government , whats worse is a piece of legislation now before the house of Representatives threatens to greatly undermine the sovereignty of this once great Republic by granting Amnesty to 11 million or more illegal invaders who have violated our borders and infiltrated their way into our cities and businesss without being documented as being friend or foe in a time of war , Our Government is failing to meet it obligations set down in ink in the Constitution ! whats worse then that is there seems to be no one who is responsible or who can be held to account for this grievous transgression nor can the voices of millions of Americans be heard by our Elected Representatives urging them to take defensive action on our behalf to ensure the security of our Nations Borders and remove these invaders , This entire Government is guilty of malfeasance even in their most basic obligations under the Constitution , to defend this Republic and protect her Sovereignty , if Congress passes this Immigration Reform Act with out providing the means to secure our Borders and remove the invaders from our sovereign soil and they continue to refuse to uphold the rule of law in this Nation , maintaining the separation of powers as it is clearly outlined in the Constitution , then I would have to say that We The People no longer have the Government that was set down on paper in 1776 it has been replaced by a Malignancy requiring surgery , and We the People will have to remove all of that Malignancy if Liberty and Freedom and this Representative Republic are going to survive. God Bless America !
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 06:35:33 +0000

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