In the beggining there was God(FATHER),the Creator..the Creator - TopicsExpress


In the beggining there was God(FATHER),the Creator..the Creator was created the universe by Word (genesis 1:1-24)He created things from nothingness. His name is I AM exodus 3:14,He is the ROCK,the MOST HIGH REDEEMER (psalm 78:35) He is invissible and full of deity He is powerful He is omniscient,omnipotent and omnipresent He is the WORD(john 1:1) One day!His heart gave mercy to His people and He promised that He will SAVE His people,the prophet testify to His coming.prophet isaiah say according to the instruction of God in isaiah 43:10-11 BEFORE THERE WAS NO FORM GOD,but it doesnt mean there was NO GOD.there was but invisible and His name is I AM (exodus 3:14-15)prophet isaiah say again there is coming to be born and on His shoulder the governance will be given to Him and you shall called Him EVERLASTING FATHER,MIGTHY GOD and the prince of peace.(isaiah 9:6) He will even called IMMANUEL(means God is with us) The prophesy was fullfilled..the EVERLASTING FATHER,MIGTHY GOD was born and He was given name JESUS(matthew 1:21) for He will save His people.He was even with His people,He forgave,He healed,He restored,He raised up the dead,and He created miracles the same in the beggining of the creation,He made manifest things from nothingness. JESUS THE SON is the God and Father seen by physical eyes,touched by physical hands. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, (colossians 2:9)isaiah 43:10-11 say before there was NO form,this time Have form.He was manifested in the flesh(1 timothy 3:16)and called Son according to flesh.(romans 1:3) And the WORD WAS WITH GOD(john 1:1) Is the flesh is the same in the Divine?the answer is No!because without divinity the flesh is weak,as the bible said He felt hungry and thirsty.His flesh died also. Is the flesh and divinity is One?the answer is Yes!becaused divine gave life to flesh(romans 10:9) THE name I AM IS THE JESUS CHRIST WHICH IS DIVINE THE name JESUS IS JESUS CHRIST WHICH IS FLESH THE name CHRIST IS JESUS CHRIST WHICH IS SPIRIT JESUS is the HOLY SPIRIT He was the FORM GOD who leaved the HOLY WORD to His people. He gave life to the dead spirit of man so that they can know the truth. His WORD dwell among us to circumcized our heart His Spirit created our new life,His Spirit will bring new heaven on earth from nothingness. And the WORD was God(john 1:1) JESUS CHRIST IS THE WHOLE BEING OF THE FATHER,THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT Jesus Christ is the one God Lord duetoronomy 6:4 The unseen I AM exodus 3:14-15 The manifested JESUS 1 timothy 3:16 The dwelling SPIRIT acts 1:5-8 I AM JESUS CHRIST (john 8:58)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 03:32:14 +0000

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