“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The - TopicsExpress


“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the deep” (Genesis11-2 RSV). I began my study of this scripture with 3 different Bible versions, RSV,NIV, FDB. Then I broke out my Septuagint too. The first thing I noticed is that there is no direct translation from the Greek or Hebrew language for the word beginning. That is the first subject word in the Bible. Just peaked my curiosity more. I already knew. I just want to share. So the word heavens is used in 2 versions NIV, and RSV. But the FDB and Septuagint say heaven. Okay, 2 say God created “the heaven.” And in 2, FDB and Septuagint it says “the heavens.” The word in Hebrew is the same (SEC 8064) but in English is not. In either case time was invented for human beings. NIV uses the words “God was hovering” instead of the moving over (RSV). Family Devotional says “moved upon” instead of over the face of the water. Septuagint says, “But the earth was unseen and unready, and darkness was over the deep. God bore over the water” The plot thickens huh. None of those elude to how long God was here. But they do say he was all over the earth. I enjoy looking words up in the Hebrew and the Greek. Doing that can put a whole new twist on some of the verbiages. The word darkness (SEC, 2821) Hebrew word means; literally darkness, dark night obscurity, or death, ignorance, misery, destruction, sorrow, wickedness. The word face (SEC, 6440) means plural of an unseen. The word deep (8415) means a deep place, (as a surging mass of water), an abyss. I dint look up moved upon, hover, or bore. It is safe to say that God was here and so was something else. He was guarding it in my opinion. I think we cannot fathom when the beginning was. I imagine a God who created a dimension of being that was new, billions of years ago. Read on and you will get that statement. I do not care if people think like me. All I can say is the story makes more sense to me than it does most the world. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jeremiah 1: 5 RSV). “Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him” (Ephesians 1:4 RSV). Okay and the Leviathan has been around a long time too, (Job 41:1, Psalms 74:14, PS 104:26,, Isaiah 27:1). There was a rebellion in Heaven right. Where did God send them? I think he sent them here. I think that could have been a pre-historic earth? I imagine that God saw the interaction with the indigenous humans, and that he flooded the world, then maybe even froze it? When God thawed it and Genesis happened we began a new dispensation of time. Adam and Eve were immortal vegetarians. There is no reference as to the time frame they were in the garden. I think Eve gets a bad rap because it probably took Satan a long time to seduce her. Okay, and yes that is exactly what happened. But that I a whole new subject. The world outside the garden was inhabited by humans, and some of the fallen Angels, who chased after women. Who then gave birth to Nephilim (giants). Those are the reason for Noah’s flood. The Dead Sea Scrolls has a chapter about this that is very cool. All Christians long for the second coming of Christ. This will be the third and final earth age. It all ebbs and flows perfectly without unanswered questions in either science or religion. Mythology is full of supernatural entities. Some much much older than the Hebrew story. Let me leave off with a few facts from Wikipedia. Geological evidence eludes to the earth as 4.54 billion years old. Astronomers are saying the earth is 13.79878 years old. The oldest funeral material found is from Neanderthal man in 223,000 BC. Tsodilo religion is from 33,000 BC. The story of the garden roughly 2,500 BC. Peace out.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 15:40:41 +0000

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