In the beginning of the first shifttime: shifttime was never any - TopicsExpress


In the beginning of the first shifttime: shifttime was never any forward in wintertime: was only either backward in wintertime or forward in summertime before the reset of no shifttime: neither ever any forward of more than 1 hour in summertime. When reset in wintertime: only either unchanged compared to the time since the last summertime to compensate full if the first shifttime was wintertime, or backward 1 hour compared to the time since the last summertime to compensate full if the first shifttime was summertime -> Never forward in wintertime any hour(s) to compensate if the geographical time right before the first shifttime as the true time of the geographical coordinates. Forward 1 hour in wintertime only if (when) the true remeasure of geographical coordinates as 1 geographical zone of hour greater than geographical coordinates right before the first shifttime: But this never was, never is, will never be probable. Any supposed false measrue never was, never is, will never be greater than nor minor than nor as the discripant absolute value of the one entire vast geographical zone of hour. The current geographical zones of hours of all the Earth ist as already enough full 24 zones of hours in place before any shifttime in the past until now after any shifttime eternally. Always Automatic Balanced Natural with/without any expansion with/without any erosion of the Earth in past, now, future as/es eternal physical mathematic permanent proportional ratio: Exactly equal 24 zones of hours. Forward 1 hour in summertime in the past or backward 1 hour in wintertime in the past was fake at the first shifttime t was discripant 1 hour, and compensated in the process of shiftime compared to the true original time in the USA right before the first shifttime. Forward 1 hour in summertime in the past or backward 1 hour in wintertime in the past was fake only at the first shifttime t was discripant 1 hour only, at the beginning of the first shifttime, in fact only one beginning shifttime, either summertime or wintertime, and full compensated in the process of shiftime: including the last seasontimes reset that must be either unchanged to be full compensated if the first shifttime was same as the last seasontimes reset, (=); or backward 1 hour in wintertimes reset if the first shifttime was summertime, (#); or forward 1 hour in summertimes reset if the first shifttime was wintertime, (#) , to be full compensated compared to the true original time in the USA right before the first shifttime. The first shifttime was discripant 1 hour and was compensated right at the next contiguous seasontimes shifttime. The next contiguous seasontimes shifttime was discripant 1 hour: total maximum/minimum: only 1 hour: discripant fake 1 hour again as the seasontime of one distant seasontime by one interval seasontime previous or following that was same seasontime and same formula of 1 hour discripant seasontime. The next contiguous seasontimes shifttime was compensated full again exactly equal compared to the true time right before 1921 which was the year of beginning the first shifttime. The next contiguous to the first shifttime was compensated by opposite formula of seasontimes shifttime. The next contiguous seasontime to that: double functions: same as the first discripant seasontimes shifttime but compensated by opposite formula of its opposite seasontime compared to the previous contiguous seasontime that was full compensated already by opposite formula of its own seasontime (# its fllowing seasontime) opposite to the previous contiguous seasontime that was same as the first seasontime. Any mid total compensation t beginning at the contiguous seasontime right after the first shifttime in which seasontime that was of course definite formula, then the repeated phases of discripant & compensated..., and every mid total compensation was completed upon the last seasontime that was of course definite formula t compensate. At the final compensation when reset to have no shifttime after reset: Full Compensation only either t unchanged to compensate full: right at the compensated seasontime right at the last seasontime that is only same seasontime compared to the first shifttime, that is, the process was already full compensated by the 2 opposite formulas of the 2 opposite seasontimes since the first shifttime as effective opposite to the seasontime previous contiguous to the seasontimes reset; or t compensate the previous contiguous seasontime that was only same seasontime compared to the first seasontime -> absolute value of extra 1 discripant hour at the previous contiguous seasontime and in transit to the seasontimes reset to be oppositely compensated to the extra: either backward 1 hour in wintertimes reset if the first shifttime was summertime, or forward 1 hour in summertimes reset if the first shifttime was wintertime, to full compensate right at the seasontimes reset. Except the first seasontimes shifttime not compensated by itself and without duo functions, Any seasontime opposite to the first shifttime (every cycle phase by definition of fixed comparison after the first shifttime: in fact there was only one first shifttime of the seasontime in the beginning) always had the point of compensation including transit and right at its period duo functions es t-compensate previous seasontime and t-compensated itself -> to compensate 1 hour to the previous contiguous seasontime every one seasontime by 2 repeated formulas of every 2 seasontimes t be completely not fake compared to the original time right before the first shifttime. this seasontime of shifttime es same one pure function as the second seasontime right following the first shifttime, and this seasontime es different from its contiguous seasontimes of 2 sides that was opposite to its own seasontime between 2 identical seasontimes, -> the seasontime identical to the first seasontimes shifttime had double functions of fake compared to the original time right before the first shifttime and not fake compared to the original time right before the first shifttime: excluding the first shifttime absolutely fake 1 discripant hour, any day, any month of 6 months of all the seasontime in the beginning t begin first shifttime to have extra 1 hour to compensate the seasontime(s) that needed discripant 1 hour to use most of light or dark: if the first shifttime was summertime -> wintertime es summertimes opposite seasontime had 1 hour backward as innevitable result for double purpose & function t use dark extra 1 hour and t compensate 1 hour forward of the summertime, but wintertime had only one main function to compensate the (first) shifttime in summertime if the first shifttime in summertime -> following wintertime es summertime had 1 hour forward for double purpose & function, to use light extra 1 hour in summertime and to compensate 1 hour backward in wintertime, but summertime had 1 discripant hour forward compared to the original time right before the first shifttime as the first summertime had 1 discripant hour forward compared to the original time right before the first shifttime -> if the last summertime es the reset, stop forward any hour(s) to be unchanged time since the last wintertimetime to be full compensated since summertimes reset (if not stop since summertime that same seasontime as the first shifttime of summertime, but stop since wintertime -> backward 1 hour to full compensated in wintertime at its turn of the phase that had end phase of seasontime opposite to the first shifttimes seasontime; or if the first shifttime was wintertime (this first shifttimes wintertime was the real first seasontimes shifttime es the unchanged time since the last summertime in 2013, es 1 hour backward off the first regulation, not backward 2 hours off the first regulation to have the time of the last summertime in the latest regulation if already tracked the first shifttimes seasontime) -> summertime es its opposite seasontime had 1 hour forward as innevitable for double purpose & function t use light extra 1 hour and t compensate the (first) shifttime in wintertime [compatible with systematic compensation only oscillated between -1 -> 0 -> +1 compared to the original time right before the first shifttime], but wintertime had only one main function to compensate 1 hour forward in summertime if the first shifttime in wintertime -> following summertime es wintertime had 1 hour backward for double purpose & function t use dark extra 1 hour and t compensate 1 hour forward in summertime, but wintertime had 1 discripant hour backward compared to the original time right before the first shifttime as the first wintertime had 1 discripant hour backward compared to the original time right before the first shifttime -> if the last wintertime es the reset, stop backward any hour(s) to be unchanged time since the last summertime to be full compensated since wintertimes reset (if not stop since wintertime that same seasontime as the first shifttimes wintertime, but stop since summertime -> forward 1 hour to full compensated in summertime as its turn of the phase that had end phase of seasontime opposite to the first shifttimes seasontime). Except the first seasontimes shifttime not compensated by itself and without duo functions, Any seasontime opposite to the first shifttime (every cycle phase by definition of fixed comparison after the first shifttime: in fact there was only one first shifttime of the seasontime in the beginning) always had the point of compensation including transit and right at its period duo functions es t compensate previous and compensated itself to compensate 1 hour to the previous contiguous seasontime every one seasontime by 2 repeated formulas of every 2 seasontimes t be completely not fake compared to the original time right before the first shifttime , this seasontime of shifttime es same one pure function as the second seasontime following contiguous the first shifttime, and this seasontime es different from its contiguous seasontimes of 2 sides that was opposite to it own seasontime, t be double functions in its contiguous seasontime of not fake compared to the original time right before the first shifttime and fake compared to the original time right before the first shifttime: excluding the first shifttime absolutely fake 1 discripant hour, any day, any month of 6 months of all the seasontime in the beginning t begin first shifttime to have extra 1 hour to compensate the seasontime(s) that needed discripant 1 hour to use most of light or dark: if the first shifttime was summertime -> wintertime es its opposite seasontime had 1 hour backward for double purpose & function t use dark extra 1 hour and t compensate 1 hour forward of the first summertime, but wintertime had only one pure function to compensate the first shifttime in summertime if the first shifttime in summertime -> following seasontime es summertime had 1 hour forward for double purpose & function compatible with systematic compensation only oscillated between -1 or 0 or +1 compared to the original time right before the first shifttime, to use light extra 1 hour in summertime and to compensate 1 hour backward in wintertime, but summertime had 1 discripant hour as the first summertime if the first shifttime was summertime -> if the last summertime es the reset, stop forward any hour(s) to be unchanged time since the last wintertimetime to be full compensated since summertimes reset (if not stop since summertime that same seasontime as the first shifttime of summertime, but stop since wintertime -> backward 1 hour to full compensated in wintertime at its turn of the phase that had end phase of seasontime opposite to the first shifttimes seasontime; or if the first shifttime was wintertime (this first shifttimes wintertime was the real first seasontimes shifttime es the unchanged time since the last summertime in 2013, es 1 hour backward off the first regulation, not backward 2 hours off the first regulation to have the time of the last summertime in the latest regulation if already tracked the first shifttimes seasontime) -> summertime es its opposite seasontime had 1 hour forward for double purpose & function t use light extra 1 hour and t compensate the first shifttime in wintertime -> following seasontime es wintertime had 1 hour backward for double purpose & function t use dark extra 1 hour and t compensate 1 hour forward in summertime, but wintertime had 1 discripant hour as the first wintertime if the first shifttime was wintertime -> if the last wintertime es the reset, stop backward any hour(s) to be unchanged time since the last summertime to be full compensated since wintertimes reset (if not stop since wintertime that same seasontime as the first shifttimes wintertime, but stop since summertime -> forward 1 hour to full compensated in summertime as its turn of the phase that had end phase of seasontime opposite to the first shifttimes seasontime). As my analysis of all every phases, the latest regulation in the United States of America is currently the unchanged time t-stop shifttimes compared to the time of the last summertime in 2013, that ist the true original time right before the first shifttime. The adjusted regulation already backwarded 1 hour from the first reset of s-forwardeding 1 hour t be the unchanged time compared to the time of the last summertime. Thank You for the Augnauration t-stop the shifttimes. Amen. In comparison when no data of the seasontime of the first shifttime, summertime or wintertime in the beginning, in order to apply the already true calculative formular chart to define the unchanged time as the current regulation Now if the first shifttime was wintertime, or backward 1 hour off Now if the first shifttime was summertime, to have the true original time as right before the first shifttime for the eternal true time with the current geographical coordinative measure as the geographical coordinative measure right before the first shifttime to be compatible with all the Earth, as (when) no any adjustment of the world map measured by the geographical coordinates of the Earth right before the first shifttime until now. The data in the perspective track must be the first shifttime in the year that beganning the first shifttime of the original seasontime. In coordinative geographical measure, probability of error, if any, was, is, will be as/es none (0.000000000000...0000000000001% zone of hour, if any, as/es none). The current geographical zones of hours of all the Earth ist as already enough full 24 zones of hours in place before any shifttime in the past until now after any shifttime eternally. Always Automatic Balanced Natural with/without any expansion with/without any erosion of the Earth in past, now, future as/es eternal physical mathematic permanent proportional ratio: Exactly equal 24 zones of hours. An adjustment, if any, in geographical coordinates of zones of hours, ith simply either the addition of 0, |1|, |2|... by a standard geographical zone of hour, or substraction of 0, |1|, |2|... by a standard geographical zone of hour. Substraction is negative of addition. Addition is negative of substraction. Any supposed false measrue never was, never is, will never be greater than nor minor than nor as the discripant absolute value of the one entire vast geographical zone of hour. History was countedens from east with the sunrise ahead as designated first by eastern calendars from cradles of civilizations or somewhere between since past compassing all the earthly world even before traveling more to west; or the world map of zones of hours must be recalculated as integral as possible t persuant match if s-changen in future. Pytagorian method t measure: from any destination compared to concise triangle with any extensions from any of its angle(s)s extensions. Test: sum up all regions, landways and waterways, all countries by reports -> economized to calculate as all symmetrical zones by the sphere of the round Earth structured by universal constant physical forces as automatic mathematic principles -> systematic divisions -> 24 zones of hours in the true geographical coordinates. The current regulation already knew the first shifttime was wintertime, but their teams error was instead of the unchanged time since wintertime for (the) simplest operation in first reset to stop shifttimes, their forwardeding 1 hour t was extra 1 hour of false operation compared to the legal official unchanged time since the last summertime that was already compensated at the turn of summertime to forward the 1 hour to full compensate the backward 1 hour in the first shifttimes wintertime while the process either needed t-stop shifttime to be the unchanged time since the last summertime, or (if not stop in wintertime) the virtual past of virtual routine s-must s-have s-been backward 1 hour to compensate and to use extra 1 hour backward in dark as its turn in wintertime with the first shifttimes wintertime already also backward 1 hour -> extra 1 hour of backward if backward in wintertime -> unchanged time since last summertime to have forward 1 hour t compensate full then. Their team not attentioned to the previous contiguous summertime to the wintertimes purposal reset, that already compensated full in the real past at its real turn of (the) real summertime at (the) end of (the) phase that already forward 1 hour es the opposite formula to compensate to the first seasontimes shifttime that was wintertime backward 1 hour. That ith, the fickle adjustment ith discripant 2 hours of the false operation-s compared to the virtual routine s-if s-not s-stop since wintertime that same as the first shifttimes wintertime (for t have the simplest unchanged time with no extra operation) but s-backward 1 hour in virtual routine that ith compared, that they forwarded 1 hour and backwarded 1 hour in total to have the original time right before the first shifttime. The data now is the remeasurement of geographical coordinates all the Earth to define the true geographical coordinates of all the Earth of the World includeth the United States of America that must be in the true geographical coordinates that must be compatible with the true geographical coordinates of all the Earth of the World anytime, not including the period of shifttimes that was either fake or not fake in turn of the phase: the first wintertimes shifttime was the fake hour by 1 discripant hour backward compared to the original time right before 1921 -> unchanged time now compared to the time of the last summertime to stop any shifttime t be the unchanged time since the time of the last summertime forward 1 hour that was already compensated full due the first shifttimes wintertime backwarded 1 hour in the very beginning. Harsh wintertime in America, West had been one of the first reasons that urged them t augnaurated the first shifttime in the wintertime then as the data; and another reason was that they possibly still not had their idea to prepare t proceed in the (previous) summertime. The UK and the regions which also had the formular shifttimes of seasontimes as the USA now must have the time as the time since the last summertime if the United Kingdom and all the zones augnaurate t-stop the shifttimes there since this wintertime as the United States of America. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:41:49 +0000

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