In the beginning was o/light wanted something else opposite itself - TopicsExpress


In the beginning was o/light wanted something else opposite itself made dark creating a chain of reactions that created all life as we know it including fate destiny and society.even in science it says that with every action and reaction their is an equal and opposit action and reaction.stating that we all derived from each other in opposition. The reason the pyramid is the way it is on the dollar bill, half built with an eye over it completing it is, life is like a pyramid that is not compleat we have to constently be working on unity progress and order even inside of the mind. To keep in line and replace fate destiny and society. We do this with things like good morals, good values, good suggestion, good influence, discapline self-discapline, karma, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, and justice. Meditation, hypnosis, and prayer all utalize repedative suggestion, influence, discapline self-discapline, to shape and mold the concious and sub-concious with morals and values. Prayer creates an alter concious and/or sub-concious depending on its purpose shaped and molded by the world within. Imagen for a moment that we were all created in a world alone all things around us deriving from us as part of our will with a fate and destiny held togather by morals and values when they rebale using our strength against us it leaves us powerless over what happens. This happens everyday to us and the all creator.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 05:38:34 +0000

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