In the book of Jonah, God sends a very reluctant Jonah to prophesy - TopicsExpress


In the book of Jonah, God sends a very reluctant Jonah to prophesy that the city of Nineveh is going to be destroyed because of their wickedness, and when it isnt destroyed, Jonah is upset because he has been made the fool. It wasnt destroyed because Nineveh repented. Nineveh was the capital city of the Assyrian Empire, a great empire that governed the whole world of the time, an empire that sought to destroy local cultures and absorb everyone into a single national identity. Todays prophets are called climate scientists and they are prophesying against the globalist empire of multinational corporations. This empire is the most insidious in world history because it is on autopilot. No one controls this empire. No country controls this empire. No corporation controls this empire. It is the ultimate evil system, a true incarnation of Satan. Humans are its brains and blood, its hands and feet, but the humans who advance its causes while destroying the planet are its slaves, not its masters. Money has made them its slaves for the empire rewards those who tend it and care for it, who advance its causes and destroy its enemies, with untold wealth and luxuries that would make Ozymandias blush. Like every other empire, this empire will fall and the climate scientists have been telling us why it will fall, but not exactly when or how it will fall. Like Jonah appealing to Nineveh, they dont want to see the empire fall because they dont want to see the suffering that will ensue. Instead, they keep warning us, telling us that we humans together must change the empire. But so far this has proved impossible. The empire is designed to respond to these kinds of challenges and has foiled and will most likely continue to foil all efforts to change it sufficiently to avoid the fall--the inevitable fall. Perhaps, some argue, if people would understand what is coming if we dont change the empire, some critical mass of humanity will change the empire. You have to admire the prophets for their efforts, but it seems unlikely that change could happen until something big wakes everyone up. Unfortunately, it is most likely that the something big will be the collapse of the empire. Complex systems like the globalist empire of multinational corporations do not fall gradually, though. Instead, they collapse in a disorganized heap. One day enough stress on the system will make it throw a rod. There might be a war or there might not be, but suddenly the lights will go off, the trucks will stop running, the stores will run out of food, the cities will empty, and in an orgy of violence and death the empire will end, leaving the billions who depend on it to die. From the perspective of the other animals living with us this day cannot come fast enough because when the empire falls, it will at last quit spewing carbon into the atmosphere. For us though, living inside the soulless machine we were born into, dependent on it and even loving it, it will seem to come out of nowhere. And then we will all die. That is, unless we can muster the collective will to change things enough to make a difference, but I doubt that will happen. No empire has ever been wise enough to arrest its own collapse and this empire, with no one at the helm, is the stupidest empire humanity has ever created. Go ahead, make me the fool. I dont mind.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 14:15:15 +0000

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