In the book of Malachi 3:23 it is clear Elijah is to return to be - TopicsExpress


In the book of Malachi 3:23 it is clear Elijah is to return to be a messenger that the Messiah is coming. Something that didnt happen for Jesus. Then in Malachi 3:19 he predicts the burning of every root and branch. Root and Branch is, of course, a metaphor for the Messianic lineage. The authors of The New Testament pick up on it in John 15:6. As mentioned, The Romans attempted to domesticate the Jews by pruning the root, the messiah Eleazar, and graft in the root of Jesus. One of the elements of the root and branch satire is, as I mentioned before, the Baaras plant which is suppose to expel demons. In The New Testament, the authors predict that the messianic linage will be grafted onto. Josephus The Wars of the Jews, 4, 9, 518-520 talks about a second Eleazar and he and the Jews had pitched their tents at Thecoe, before Jerusalem, and Eleazar went to the Roman garrison at Herodian and when the Romans refused to surrender he committed suicide by throwing himself off the wall. Another element of the root and branch satire is from Josephus The Wars of the Jews, 4, 2, 157-158, 161-163, again, with the Messiah Eleazar was captured by Pedanius and was being carried away from the mount of olives and being pruned. Weve already solved the puzzle that the certain young man in Josephus is the Messiah Eleazar. To put together these satirical parallels does require a lot of memory. Another element is the three crucified one survives scene from Josephus autobiography, The Life of Flavius Josephus, 75, 417, 420-421. It is important to note that this happens after the mount of olives but before Simon was condemned and John sparred. Another elements if from Josephus Wars of the Jews, 7, 6, 178-185 notes the root Baaras from Baaras can expel demons, according to Josephus, and its root must be hung down by its hand of its captor as he carries it away. In the same passage, Josephus describes Eleazar at the Herodian fort at Mahcrus, being captured and when The Romans were building a cross to crucify him, theyre was so much noise and moaning, that Titus decided to let him live. Another element is Masada itself. In Josephus The Wars of the Jews, 7, 8, 252-253 another Herodian fort at Masada, Eleazar is there, with the Sicarii, and everyone commits suicide. The final element is Eleazar is Rome using root to caste out demons. And, says demons can not pass through water. Josephus Antiquities of the Jews, 7, 2, 46-48. All the Eleazars are part of a single satirical element just like all the Marys and the Simons. Eleazar is the root because as Josephus stated only the Son could capture Baaras without injuring themselves or to hang the root down from your hand and carry it away just like Pedanius did to Eleazar on the mount of olives. Notice the parallel language down, hand, and carried away. Because Pedanius was Romes most renowned root specialist, he would have been the one to handle the Baaras or the Son. Baaras, the Son, is obviously, metaphorically, Jesus of the New Testament. Josephus friend and Eleazar at Thecoa are probably the only two people in history to survive crucifixion. A Joseph arranged for both to be taken down off the cross. Pedanius was also Titus physician and the one responsible for saving Eleazars life after being taken off the cross at Thecoa. The magic root was Eleazar. The Eleazar captured by Pedanius on the mount of olives is taken to Thecoa where he is crucified and pruned by Titus. The botanist and physician Pedanius then grafts the magic root of Baaras or the Son onto him. This process transforms Eleazar from a root that causes the Jews to be possessed by a demonic spirit into the root that dispels demons. Eleazar has become Jesus. Once this Eleazar has been satirically pruned and grafted onto at Thecoa, he is given back to the Jews at Macherus. In this way, the Romans introduce a tame or domesticated plant into a field of wild ones to decrease the wildness of later generations. As, Pedanius would certainly know about. The Jews that accept the tame Messiah and his pro-roman doctrines are allowed to live. The Roman point of Masada, and their Eleazar, is that refusal to accept the new Judaism is tantamount to suicide. With this Eleazars death, Josephus terminates the root and branch of the Maccabean lineage so that it will not compete against the domesticated messianic lineage newly established by Rome. The final Eleazar is at Rome casting out the demons from the 2,000 captured at Gadara. This is the final domestication. He is at Rome, working for The Romans. The Romans wished to not merely destroy the militant brand of messianic Judaism that spawn the rebellions, but to rewrite its history in such a way as to make its Messiah and its leaders become the founders of Christianity. In this manner, the Romans intended to make the history of the Sicarii movement disappear by having its beliefs and key figures become the history of their new religion. Simply moving the events of Jesus ministry forward forty years in time and comparing them to the events of Titus campaign reveals their sequential, satirical and parallel meaning. Why would anyone write The Gospels making them historically sequential, satirically paralleled, undisputedly and unaccidentally the same as Titus campaign? Im only half way through my evidence of The Flavian conspiracy to create Christianity. Theres lots more to come. Stay tuned!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 01:11:00 +0000

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