In the busyness of the day, in anxious murmurings of the heart, - TopicsExpress


In the busyness of the day, in anxious murmurings of the heart, Lord, I have missed you... in my haste, I have lost sight of you; I have heeded voices of fear; I have sought after my own way; I have become distracted, unfocused, unclear... Dear LORD God, leave me not, neither forsake me - despite my wandering, despite the ambivalence of my soul, for “whom have I in heaven but you,” and to whom shall I turn for life? I have no good apart from You... Help me escape the vanity and deceit of my own heart; help me to re-focus on what is real. Let not this day be lost to triviality; let it not be marked by unuttered prayer or lost passion for heaven. As a deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God. I thirst for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? (Psalm 42:1-2). Grant me this blessed hunger and thirst for you; impart holy desperation and longing for you alone; turn my heart to seek you bekhol levavkha, with all my heart...
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:53:19 +0000

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