In the case of the oppressor vs the oppressed, there is never any - TopicsExpress


In the case of the oppressor vs the oppressed, there is never any question as to which side Im on. Yet Ive never seen so many people working so hard to defend genocide as Ive seen in these discussions about Israel & Palestine. The justification is always terrorism, but Im sad that so many of us who grew up during 9/11, & witnessed how the phony war on terror was used to start BS military operations, still believe that rhetoric. The word terrorism could easily be replaced with resistance. Examples of people who have or could have been labelled terrorists include Mandela, Sitting Bull, George Washington, Che Guevara, and anyone who has challenged the status quo & fought back against ruling, oppressive institutions. Though I do not condone the taking of innocent life under any circumstances, one must ask oneself what would drive a young man or woman to risk something like blowing themselves up in public areas? Obviously these are people who have been driven to such despair that they would rather die than continue living under current conditions. However rather than addressing that, people seem to find it justifiable to exterminate an entire ethnic group to which these alleged terrorist groups belong. The ratio of victims of terrorism & victims of Israeli military strikes is entirely disproportionate. Yet I see so many people disregarding these numbers & any logic while blindly supporting Israel. Therefore I feel I must keep speaking on this issue, because the support of us here in the US allows for Israeli to continue their oppression. When all is said and done and history looks back on 2014, it will be clear that the supporters of the Israeli government are supporters of apartheid and genocide.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:36:00 +0000

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