In the church I attend, we take communion every other week. The - TopicsExpress


In the church I attend, we take communion every other week. The pastor prays, the music swells, and we all accept our portion. For my part, I try to muster deep feelings of pathos and meaning. Take last Sunday, for example. I cradle my crust of bread in the crook of my palm, trying to thank God for his sacrifice, trying to conjure mental images of Jesus at the Last Supper, Jesus in Gethsemane, Jesus on the Cross. And, to be honest, after some two decades of doing this, I still feel the nervous temptation to look around to see if anyone else knows what’s going on. The Hebrew culture was intensely symbolic, Im told. There was nothing strange about Jesus asking his disciples to remember him whenever they ate--he was just making an amendment to the Passover, a feast already infused with deep and ancient meaning. And yet, these days, were living in a more literal society--where living metaphors, Ebenezers, and memorial meals seem a little out of place. We know were supposed to do it. Jesus asked us to, after all. So we obey with earnest hearts, if a little sheepish. Say a little prayer, munch a cracker, and swallow grape juice. There. Are we doing this right, Jesus? Are we following through on your last request? Maybe thats the key right there. I put a lot of effort into making my communion seem deep and meaningful, but Jesus doesnt command our eyes to well with emotion each time. He doesnt command much anything, this time. He just asks us, too. Remember, he asks. Just, remember. This is generally seen as one of those divine injunctions. And Im sure it is, insofar as Jesus did everything out of his Fathers own will. But maybe were seeing something a little different here from the usual. Maybe were seeing something we can relate to easily: the desire to be loved. He took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, This is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me (Luke 22:19). Joe
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 12:25:09 +0000

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