In the early chapters of the book of Genesis, we read that Abel - TopicsExpress


In the early chapters of the book of Genesis, we read that Abel went out and took of the firstling of his flock to offer in sacrifice to God. The first of the flock indicates not merely the firstborn, but the very best, a lamb without spot or blemish. But Cain, his brother, took of the fruit of the GROUND (the ground that must be worked and tilled) for his offering. In Abels sacrifice, we find a beautiful picture of our Lord Jesus Christ, for Christ was the firstling of the flock, the firstborn of many brethren, the beginning of the creation of God (the Word was with God), and out of the whole family of mankind He was the most excellent specimen, unsurpassed in purity of character, excellence of mind and body, and all attributes of divine nature. But then again, we still have the same scenario of Cain, people are still offering to God out of the fruit of their human efforts, the best the flesh can produce. It is a great fact, however, that the best we can produce of ourselves is Adam, and old Adam is not good enough, hes not acceptable. In the living out of the life of sonship, which is the life of Christ, we are not talking about modifying the carnal mind, were not talking about overhauling Adam, The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be! You can make Adam memorize as much scripture as you can, go to church every Sunday, sing in the choir, learn all the doctrines, do every kind of good work, lay the law on him and force him to live like a saint, but hes still not acceptable in the sight of God. Just as the dog returns to his vomit, and the hog to his wallowing, so the corruption of Adam will eventually break out, revealing him to be exactly who he really is. Sonship is not about modifying the behavior of the OLD MAN, the man of earth. Its about putting on the life of Christ, the firstling of the flock, a new creation in the image and likeness of God! Dont struggle, dear one, with old Adam with his weaknesses, failures, limitations and corruption. Give yourself to the putting on of Christ and the more you put Him on the more the Adamic nature will disappear as snow before the noonday sun. Once again, blessing and enjoy your day!!!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 16:10:10 +0000

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