In the epic Mahabharat, though historical war is narrated on the - TopicsExpress


In the epic Mahabharat, though historical war is narrated on the surface , but in the depth story each human being is explained colourfully. Their Atman is depicted as Lord Krishna, the driver(Saarati) of the chariot(Rath, body) and Jivatma as Arjun( Mahaa rathi) , the warrior. Maya as the enemy Kauravas. The whole life is nothing but the war of Mahabharat. There are more problems to be solved . Whenever Jeevatma has to take a new body or rebirth as a human being , the memories of past life simply disappear. For simple reason, memories are printed in the brain. Brain is destroyed with the body after death. Jeevatma can hardly carry the knowledge printed in the brain. B aving lost the memories of thepast , it wouldbe very hard to remember and pervorm the penance and offer atonement. It would be very eSy for maya to mislead bim. Therefore, suitable provisions of proper quidance be introduced to guard Jeevatma. These nessessities paved the way for Gurukuls education and VARNA-ASHRAM-DHARMA concept of GREAT BHAARAT RACE . According to Jotirved there is only one book of Dharma and God writes that in person. This book is NATURE. All other books are volumes are expected commentaries of the real book, the Nature. 84,00,000 species of life are chapters to the volume. the text book , Jeevatma is student. Human cycle is the period of final examination period. Athma is examiner, Jeevatmabeing student to be examined, human ody and life is the answer book, circumstancesbeing the question paper. Life shall be examined in four sections. Tbese sections are Varnaashrams:-Brah acharya(Gurukul), Kshattria(Grihasth,family fold) , Brahaman(Vaanaprasth) and Yoga(Sanyas) , union of Athma and Jeevatma to oneness is Yoga. These four divisions of life were part of Manusmritee. When child isborn to afa ily , untouchable (Shudratva) settles in. Entire family is untouchable for good 12 days. known as Sootak. janmanajayate soodra, samskarath divja uchyate everybody is soodra (untouchable)by birth. Only after Sanskaar(yagyopweetam) , he is declared DWIG. Due to this very reason , whenever a child is born .sootak settles in every family, wbether Bramin, Kshatriya or Vysya. Born child is shudraby nature. , consequently sootak is observed in every family for 12 days Place of worship in the house closed and all pooja , prayers suspended. Wby? Is the child soodra? No! Certainly not! Child is noble innocent creation of God and Nature. The child is declared shudra due to his ignorance . It is the ignorance , whice is untouchable and the child is coupled with it. And there is another reason too. Asstated earlier , whenever the divinity of a Jeevatma is fragmented in the Ksheerasagar, Jeevatma is expelled from space to earth , to offer penance and atonement . In the first place , Jeevatma shall have to enter 12 different species of life, other than the human cycle . Thus, whenever a child is born , 12 days of sootak of 12 speciesYonis) is observed by the family. 12 days of sootak is observed in the family as symbal of atonment of 12species. After 12 days of sootak , house is free from sootak and so is the entire family., except the new born child. The child shall remain shudra , even in a bramin family, till he is granted the Yogyopaweetam sanskar., at eleven years of age. In the days of Jotirved the cermony of Yogyopaweetam wascelebrated in Gurukul alone., never in the house. With Yogyopaweetam , he was granted entry to Gurukul and wa declared first Dwij,(Vaishya) BRAMCHARI. he is there to earn (learn) knowledge , therefore Vaisya. It is the knowledge (Gynana) which will see hi through artha, darma, kama and moksha , Earning, Dharma, Achievments and return to Ksheerasagar. After Gurukul he shall enter the family life . It hasbeen termed as Kshatriya Dharma, the warrior ofmaterial , mortal, spritual life. When he retires from the family , ife and enters Vaanaprasth Dharma he is declared Brahmin. The division of society in four parts was carried out on the basis of quality of knowledge, action and deeds andnot by birth. One who does not discriminate between gentle knowledge Brahmin , cow, elephant,dog kr a sweeper, is only persons knowledgeable and he alone is Pundit. Those who discreminate are illietrate, ignorant, therefore shoodras. The four classes of the division of society are the stages of life towards ultimate . Every one of us lives all four stages everyday. In the morning when you go to freshup , you are conducting the duty of a sweeper. When you are on morning prayers, you behave like Brahmin. Out to business, you are a Vaisya. Looking after your family affairs , you are acting like Kshthria. All four classes of society you practise everyday. . All the four sections of society live in every days life, every day.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 06:35:48 +0000

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