In the first volume of Like a Flower Grows, Dr. Reijonen shares - TopicsExpress


In the first volume of Like a Flower Grows, Dr. Reijonen shares sixty personal devotions based on her reflections on scripture. She shares her journey to sharing these devotions in this devotion from Week 1 of Like a Flower Grows: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20) The process to begin this writing did not go smoothly. I argued back against His prompting to do this writing for about four months. After all, I am a relatively new Christian, and trained as psychologist, not a writer or Bible scholar. What business do I have thinking that I could write devotional material? The idea would not leave me, and echoed throughout the Bible study that I was taking. The subject was Jonah, interruption by God (which was reframed as divine intervention), and the futility of running from God. Then, at a conference, the speaker demonstrated a method for journaling about scripture. I decided the next morning to try her method. I was not sure if I could write about scripture. However, as soon as I started, the words and ideas flowed. I abandoned her more structured system almost immediately and just wrote. I see that God has been preparing me in ways I did not even realize at the time. A couple of years ago, a writing opportunity opened up for me to write about neuromuscular disease. I have been learning that my writing becomes much more powerful when it includes “me” in it. I have been learning to share from my experience and my heart. Following this process has amazed me. As I write, I feel the flow of words coming through me, not from me. I am writing in a way I know would not be possible on my own. It turns out that the writing I am meant to do right now is so much more personal than anything I expected. In some ways, this has been even more of a stretch for me than expected, opening up my heart and my life in these writings. I had not been expecting to share this writing so soon. My husband, however, encouraged me to share a piece of my writing with our teaching pastor that related to one of his sermons, and he, in turn, encouraged me to share this writing with my church, and now you. God has been so faithful to me through this experience. Despite my objections, he has worked in my life and worked in my heart to bring me to a place where I can write, and now share, these devotions. I have found so much freedom and joy through my obedience in this writing. Thank You Lord for all You have been teaching me. I confess that sometimes I let fear keep me from following You as quickly as I should. Help me to be obedient in all that You ask of me and to choose Your way over my own. amazon/dp/B00DMLQ9L8
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 07:18:17 +0000

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