In the first world war, the only sacrifice made was by the poor - TopicsExpress


In the first world war, the only sacrifice made was by the poor bloody infantry and cavalry (Including 30+ of my relatives) who went off to fight a dirty stinking war for a dirty stinking Royal Family and government. This was a dirty corrupt war between Royal European cousins who were so inbred and stupid that they believed that this was their right! There was no freedom gained in this war. 30 million dead. 3 times that number mutilated who ended up on the streets as beggars thanks to a grateful government. An entire generation was decimated but NOT for freedom. 20 million died due to the influenza epidemic that followed. There was no inoculation shot so the casualties were stunning. The worlds population was, after four years of brutal empty waste, unable to resist the virus and succumbed in devastating numbers as if it were to the Great Plagues of medieval times. For what..The Great Depression? The Hungry Thirties? The circumstances which threw us into the rise of Nazism and Fascism and soon, the Second World War? .This was for freedom???? WWII was even more costly in human terms than the first war. The survivors of Western Europe after WWII learned a bit more than their predecessors and gradually built a wealthier post war society, Eastern Europe took more time but nearly got there, The Americans helped a lot, but nothing is for nothing, they took a lot of bases inside Europe. The United Kingdom had to almost bankrupt itself to pay back war loans to the USA, and in Glasgow we grew up in the slums and filthy tenement buildings amidst epidemics of Polio, Diphtheria and Smallpox. Yes our fathers certainly paid for that war with the premature deaths of their children. War loans with crippling interest were being paid back to the USA with the working mans taxes and nothing was left to build schools and decent housing. Uncle Sam was a usurer in those days. Of course this particular fight for freedom never actually got any African American a vote or any wounded British Ghurkas a proper pension. The rich people after the war were the spivs and toffs involved as black-market racketeers, and of course the munition manufacturers , the Royal Family, Republican, Democrat and Tory politicians and that very good friend of Hitler, former bootlegger Joe Kennedy, father of John and Bobby. So dont give me your FREEDOM malarkey. Your governments are listening to YOU 24/7 three hundred and sixty five days a year but not face to face to address your concerns. They are listening in to your calls,scanning your texts and faxes, building up huge dossiers on everyone who is not them. They protect their own paedophiles and they protect their own interests and wealth. They are the Jackals and this is their day. Remember the fallen of WWI but dont confuse their senseless slaughter with freedom. Douglas Timmins 2014
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 23:06:25 +0000

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