In the gray, hazy fringes of the sandmans embrace, met him again. - TopicsExpress


In the gray, hazy fringes of the sandmans embrace, met him again. Seems like my dreams arent willing to give up on him yet, despite the reality of silence between us. My gray man, I do not know if youll turn away if I reach for you, but at least here, in a world of my making, I have seen what could be. Here in my almost-waking dream, my mind and reason bows to the desires of my heart. I dare to dream, heedless of what pain I might setup for myself. Once more, we were talking. Once more, I bare my soul. What stops me in the real world simply isnt here: I fear that behind words and his smiles, he has already judged me unworthy. Funny, Ill never really know if he has, but it stops me anyway, this silly fear of rejection. I asked him I know what I want, and I want you. But the big question is, what do YOU want? I know now that I do not love him yet... But I still want to be with him. The heart is a strange, strange companion. I wait for the cycle of the moon, one full circle from the time he asked for silence. Perhaps I still have a chance. Perhaps he has found another. I accept this uncertainty, but I will bottle this poignant moment and set it aside. This day is too good to spend mooning over a man. But before I set this bottle down, A toast! Cheers to the courage of hope in the face of contrary evidence! Silent love is calling faith, To shatter me through your hallways, Into echoes you can feel, And rehearse the way you heal - Find You by Zedd ft. Matthew Koma & Miiam Bryant
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 01:05:30 +0000

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