In the guise of allowing for increased mobility, we have - TopicsExpress


In the guise of allowing for increased mobility, we have emasculated our armed forces to where they have been reduced to a ceremonial entity with which to entertain visiting dignitaries. No, I have not forgotten our troops now engaged in a hopeless war who are spread so thinly, they are drawing five and six tours. How long do you think they can continue to defy the odds? Putin has now thrown down the gauntlet and all we have to meet this challange is a pen and a telephone. Is anyone fool enough to think that Putin will stop with the annexation of the Ukraine? He will next, go for the Baltic states and then Poland, Where will he stop and who will stop him. Dear God, do not let it be us. Bring our troops home, NOW. I know that this will not be a very popular suggestion but I think we need to re institute the draft. As my son once told me, before he was killed in Viet Nam, All of us who enjoy living under our Constitution, have the moral obligation to defend it. The draft would also provide this country with a pool of experienced veterans who could be called up, in times of emergency, with little or no reindoctrination. In two years, we will be having a presidential election. At this point in time, I see no one, on the political horizon with a solid military background. Sure, we have a raft of conservative glamour boys but I see no one who could stand up to Putin in a military confrontation. Yes, we need a strong military man as the head of this once most powerful state in the world but we lost that distinction to a community organizer who thinks he can charm anyone into agreeing with him. This country has been in the hands of self serving politicians and embroyonic diplomats who have led this country into a world in chaotic ruin. We need a man in the White House with iron in the seat of his pants, not pretty words fed to him by a teleprompter. DONT EVER FORGET BENGHAZI !!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:36:52 +0000

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