In the holy Quran,people are summoned to contemplate numerous - TopicsExpress


In the holy Quran,people are summoned to contemplate numerous event and objects that clearly testify to the existence and uniqueness of Allah and his attributes.In the Quran, all these being that bear witness are dsignated as Signs,meaningtested evidence,absolute knowledge and expression of truth.Therefore the sign of Allah comprise all the beings in the universe that disclose and communicate the being attributes of Allah.those who can observe and remember will see that the entire universe is only composed of the siings of Allah.(Quran:chapter:an nahl:vers 10-17 Allah say)( IT IS HE WHO SENDS DOWN WATER FROM THE SKY.FROM IT YOU DRINK AND FROM IT COME THE SHRUBS AMONG WHICH YOU GRAZE YOUR HERDS.AND BY IT HE MAKES IT CROPS GROW FOR YOU AND OLIVE AND DATES AND GRAPES AND FRUIT OF EVERY KIND. .THEREFORE IS CERTAINLY A SIGN IN THAT FOR PEOPLE WHO REFLECT.HE HAS MADE THE NIGHT AND THE DAY SUBSERVENIENT TO YOU,AND THE SUN,THE MOON AND STARS,ALL SUBJECT TO HIS COMMAND.THERE ARE CERTAINLY SIGNS IN THAT FOR PEOPLE WHO USE THEIR INTELLECT.AND ALSO THE THING OF VARYING COLOURS HE(I.E ALLAH) HAS CREATED FOR YOU IN THE EARTH.THERE IS CERTAINLY A SIGN IN THAT FOR PEOPKE WHO PAY HEED.IT IS HEWHO MADE THE SEA SUBSERVIENT TO YOU SO THAT YOU CAN EAT FRESH FLESH FROM IT AND BRING OUR FROM IT ORNANENT TO WEAR.AND YOU SEE THE SHIP CLEAVING THROUGH IT SO THAT YOU CAN SEEK HIS BOUNTY,AND SO THA PERHAPS YOU MAY SHOW THANKS.HE CAST FIRMLY EMBEDDED MOUNTAINS ON THE EARTH SO IT WOULD NOT MOVE UNDER YOU,AND RIVERS AND PATHWAYS SO THAT PERHAPS YOU MIGHT BE GUIDED,AND LANMARKS.AND THEY ARE GUIDED BY STARS.IS HE WHO CREATES LIK HIM WHO DOES NOT CREATE?SO WILL YOU NOT PAY HEED?).In th Quran,Allah invites men of understanding to think about the issues which other people overlook,or just dismiss using such barren terms asevolution,coincidence or miracle of nature.(chapter Ali-Imran:190-191) ( IN THE CREATION OF THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH,AND THE ALTERNATION OF NIHGT AND DAY,THERE ARE SIGNS FOR PEOPLE OF INTELLENGENCE:THOSE WHO REMEMBER ALLAH STANDING,SITTING AND LYING ON THEIR SIDES,AND REFLECT ON THE CREATION OF THE JEAVEN AND THE EARTH: OUR LORD.YOU DID NOT CREAT THIS FIR NOTHING.GLORY BE TO YOU! SO GUARD US FROM THE PUNISHEMENT OF THE FIRE).AMEEN.As we see in these verses,peopke of understanding see the sign Of Allah and try to comprehend His eternal knowledge,power and art by remembering and reflecting on them,foe Allah knowldge is limiless,and His creation flawless. For men of understanding,everything around them is a sign of this creation.May Allah grant us more understanding of his deen.Ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:01:15 +0000

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