In the hood—we call White People—White People! In the - TopicsExpress


In the hood—we call White People—White People! In the hood—we call White People—who do RACIST THINGS to us—CRACKERS!! When we in the hood use the term Cracker, it is Not because WE are Racist—we are simply Identifying this PARTICULAR White Person—as being a RACIST! This TEENAGER had the RIGHT—*to be FEARFUL of this Grown-ass Man—who has used a negative profile of him and was—Driving slowly behind him “as he was simply walking home.” Every corner Trayvon turn—here comes this White-MAN? Trayvon walk fast—and this White-Man walk fast! Trayvon run—and this White-Man run after him. He cannot lose this White-Man. Trayvon Martin had the right to defend himself from being *Stalked, *Chased, *Confronted—and *Attacked at night—by this Creepy-Ass Cracker—George Zimmerman. He had the *Right to defend himself? He had the *Right to Fight as hard as he could—“for his life? If Trayvon Martin had a gun and shot and killed Mr. George Zimmerman—the Stand Your Grounds Law—would have applied to Trayvon in this case? He would be protected under this law—because the law applies to you—“only” if you are the one being attacked? Now, whether or not Trayvon would have been (if this was the case) afforded the same Rights under this law? I honestly believe—“that had the roles been reversed”—and all circumstances/conditions remained the same—Trayvon Benjamin Martin—would have been “convicted” of Murdering George Zimmerman—by the same Jury! *Slave Laws, *Jim Crow Laws and *Institutional Discrimination—are realities! So is *Jury Nullification. Jury Nullification is when a Jury “honestly believes’ that, based on the evidence in the case against the defendant—that he/she is Guilty—they still will not find him/her Guilty.” *Does the Jury have the RIGHT to do this? Isn’t this an Injustice? *Yes it is surely an Injustice and NO—the jury does not have the RIGHT to do this. Then how do they get away with it? *They have—The POWER to do this! You see:—if a Juror find the defendant Not Guilty—“there is nothing that the Judge can do about it”—Case Closed! Why would a Juror want to commit such an Injustice? I’m delighted ‘that you asked me’ this question and I’ll be more than happy to give you the honest truth/answer! *A Racist White Person will not find a White Person Guilty of Murder—if the Victim is a (In his/her eyes/mind)—“A No-Good-Nigger!!! They believe that a Niggers Life and Freedom—“has much less value”—compared to a White Persons Life and Freedom? They believe that the Punishment of 25 years to life in Prison—“is way too-much time for George Zimmerman to pay—for killing a Poor-Nigger! A Ghetto Nigger!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:21:16 +0000

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