In the last few febrile days before the municipal elections, - TopicsExpress


In the last few febrile days before the municipal elections, someone thought a late-night party, costumes optional, was just the thing to add interest to the mayoral race. We’ll glide over the fact that that someone was the editor of a rival newspaper, since Southside Pride would never have done anything this trivializing and – well, potentially fun, or at least funny. But still, having the journalist spirit, this reporter attended. Somewhat reluctantly. === The party was to start at 8, and the directions were to dress as a candidate, but if you were a candidate, to dress as a different candidate. I only found out where it was and discovered the Facebook event by then. It was Doug Mann, one of my best friends and my first choice for Mayor, who sent me the link to the event. But he didn’t want to go. I figured I could get there at 8:50. I made plans to meet two other candidates who are good chums (but I’m not voting for them (they know that)) – Captain Jack Sparrow and Bob “Bob-again” Carney, Jr. The do was at the Clubhouse Jaeger, which appears to be an ironically hip hangout of the arty crowd in the North Loop. Not my usual stomping ground, but hey, I was being ironic and dancing to trashy music before most of these folks were conceived. === As usual, Captain Jack (I just call him CJ) and Bob were late, even later than the late time we had agreed on. When I arrived, there were at least six women there dressed as Jackie Cherryhomes. Just after me, in walked a thin young man dressed as Jackie Cherryhomes. (I later saw two more men dressed as Cherryhomes. Also Dan Cohen, who was not wearing a cherry-red dress and heels, the proper costume, but simply a Jackie Cherryhomes button. Now that’s class.) I had seen Mark Andrew and a plus-one (campaign manager? maybe) fussing around their little green car outside, but he must have decided, at just after 9, it was still too early for a majestic entrance, or maybe he wanted to go get a better costume. Bob Fine was there, looking like he was not in costume (but that was just because he hadn’t taken his shirt off yet.) Soon after I arrived, Jackie Cherryhomes, in an unusual, for her, LBD and black jacket, swept in with a small entourage, and did a double-take at all the Jackie Cherryhomes costumes. Stephanie Woodruff arrived, dressed as Jackie Cherryhomes. (She should wear red more; it suits her.) Cam Winton came in with his campaign manager who was dressed as Cam Winton (I think) but with a bunch of dollar bills overflowing out of his breast pocket. Eventually Mark Andrew came back. He was wearing an athletic jacket and a feedcap and had a sign on his back that said Fine. One non-candidate attendee warmed the cockles of my and Bob Carney’s heart by dressing as Bob Carney, Jr.: he sported a simple white T-shirt with the words “Transit Revolutionary” written across the chest in black marker. === Eventually Bob-again and CJ Sparrow showed up. Sparrow was not in any costume, so I guess, since he really IS Jack Sparrow and not just posing as him, being out of costume is being in costume. Bob was dressed as a generic candidate. The only memorable thing about the costume was a broad straw hat. He calls himself a candidate-journalist, and claimed that dressing as a journalist was too scary. Eventually, Bob Fine removed his shirt to reveal a Superman costume. There were a couple of other Superman costumes there, too. Three pretty young women attended dressed as political parties. They wore glittery clothes, high heels, pointy hats and various patriotic colors. CM and Mr. Betsy Hodges (Gary Cunningham) attended sans costumes. CM Don Samuels put in a brief appearance, dressed as himself and thus breaking the rules. (What a rebel.) I apologize to any candidates that I missed. It was a crowded bar, and this is a crowded election.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:50:48 +0000

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