In the last year of two in Macedonia stand up comedy started. And - TopicsExpress


In the last year of two in Macedonia stand up comedy started. And what I dont understand is how the top american stand up comedians are all against the system, but ours are all making stupid jokes.That I dont understand. Criticizm is comming from the rich and stupid shit from the poor country. I mean Toni Mahajlovski, yikes. youtube/watch?v=aWiyOmnQAAg Alright, I want to put it to everyone like this. What is comedy supposed to be? Is it just supposed to make us laugh or is the truth of the matter more important. I will argue that the greatest comedians have the ability, talent, and heart to not only make us laugh hysterically, but to bring into question our thoughts/philosophies and cultural beliefs. I would even argue that this is the purpose of comedy itself; education, knowledge, and greater conscious understanding through the human feeling and enjoyment of laughter. When it came to this purpose no one f put it down like Bill Hicks, George Carlin and Lenny Bruce were the only two in the same ball park as this genius. I am one of those people who claim that he was in a sense a prophet because he spoke to America(and the world) about a future in which he foresaw that basically parallels our own present period. Have you looked around at the world recently? Corporate domination of our lives and society through the deception of consumerism and advertisement. Religion run amok in fundamentalism, and literal translations of sacred texts. Ronald Regan being called a great president and Ayn Rand being compared to classical philosophers that embodied truth instead of lies and distortions to merely meet their own ends; or that of their employers. Corporations buying up American culture through the guise of easy entertainment and the marginalization of authentic art. Money spent on war and defense instead of feeding poor and starving people within our own country and that of impoverished countries (not underdeveloped, impoverished! ). Also discusses peoples patriotic stupidity to a government that clearly has demonstrated time and time again that it doesnt give a f that we have been put through from our schools, our government, our religions, and our jobs. He was so far ahead of his time, its not even fair to compare Hicks to the other comedians, even though some of them are really good. Bills name will undoubtedly live on because his talent wasnt just getting you to laugh, but to also see reality as it is actualized and not how our feeble indoctrinated minds want to comprehend it. I guarantee you, If he was around today, he would be calling most of the people ahead of him on this list shills and suckers of Satans c*** along with the vast majority of musical acts today. Bring back the good and talented musical acts our generation grew up listening to in the 90s/early 2000s like Nirvana, 2Pac, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Sublime, Biggie, Eminem(he is still legit), Wu-Tang Clan etc. And put these fools like Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Lady Gaga, Toby Keith, pretty much any contemporary country or rock band, Jay-Z(sold out), LMFAO, Nicki Minaj, Drake etc. On the chopping block and our society may start to gain its consciousness back. Until then, fight the fight in your mind and spread truth to others and Bill Hicks legacy will never disappear. My generation needs to wake up and get their heads out of their own asses! I could only imagine what Hicks would have said in the midst of the stupidity of social networking and the mindless sheep inhabiting the websites of Facebook and Twitter. I honestly wish he was around today because we need such an honest, intelligent, and good person in times of the sheer ignorance and banality that people pass for today. Rest in Peace to one of Americas finest heroes and forgotten patriots!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:10:18 +0000

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