In the late 40’s, a man by the name of Forest P. Gill developed - TopicsExpress


In the late 40’s, a man by the name of Forest P. Gill developed a product that took the market by storm and hasn’t lost its impact since, it is a joy to some and the bane of their existence to others, it’s called the “bumper sticker”. Personally, I have never had a bumper sticker on any of my vehicles, but I do like to see just what other people think by the stickers they place on theirs. I must admit, there are some really funny ones out there, but there is one in particular that has never set right with me, and that is “Jesus is my co-pilot”. To me, a co-pilot is an expert professional, but not someone that has total control of the ship. They are someone the pilot can call on when his/her help is needed, or when the pilot has a task they do not want to do, yet they still remain in control of the ship. The pilot is the captain of the ship, the leader, the final decision maker. It’s almost as if that sticker is saying that “The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost” are consultants in the path of our life. Consultants are experts or professionals that are brought in to give wisdom in their area of expertise. They are typically only brought on the scene when there is a problem, but expert or no expert, the final decision rest on us. The Bible addresses the order of how things should be in John 16:13” However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” Somehow I don’t think this verse will apply, or benefit us if we remain in that captain’s seat by thinking we know what is best. A quote by John Calvin (1509-1564) gives us just a little more clarity on this topic. “There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence”. Let’s move over to that co-pilot’s seat, take the expert wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit, and choose to have Him guide us into the truth of God’s will in our lives. What is our destination, the Captain knows. How will we make it through the turbulence of our lives, the Captain knows. Are we safe with Him in that pilot’s seat? Ask yourself this, would you feel better with an expert professional in that seat, one that knows what is ahead and can handle whatever comes your way, or someone that has never flown a plane before. Trusting that someone that has no idea where they are going to get you to your true destination. Someone who will crash and burn when those tough times and turbulence come. Looking at it this way, there is really only one choice that will give us the assurance that we will arrive at that destination and that is to name Him as your pilot. Writing this, I think I have had a change of heart on bumper stickers and I just might get a bumper sticker after all, one that say’s “Jesus is my pilot, that’s all I need”.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 04:34:15 +0000

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