In the matter of the State of Florida versus George Zimmerman the - TopicsExpress


In the matter of the State of Florida versus George Zimmerman the verdict is now spoken and Zimmerman is a free man having obtained a not guilty ruling. However, across America there is still much anger and a lot of tension; though some are relieved that this saga is finally over. The bigger picture is that we must recognize that the U.S. justice system is superior, by far, to any other justice system in the world. This is true though many of us feel the system mistreated Trayvon Martin. In this system and in this trial, the prosecutors as well as the defense, put up their best case. We must consider the fact that both sides are held to certain rules of the law that only allowed the jurors to consider certain narrowly defined questions and evidence. There is no leniency in that regard. So the burden rested on whether or not Zimmerman was in fear of his life when he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. Another question could arise that would inquire about Trayvon Martin’s ability to take the gun from Zimmerman, shoot and kill him in self defense, or throw the weapon away and literally beat Zimmerman to a pulp. Could Trayvon Martin have argued the stand your ground law and been acquitted on a second degree murder charge? That is a much broader question that admittedly involves a much bigger discussion; maybe even in race relations. I must painfully accept the verdict. I find some satisfaction in the fact that some of the jurors were mothers and I know that what happened to this young promising man, Trayvon Martin had to weigh on them deeply. The justice system precluded these women from considering the case from an emotional standpoint and it clearly forced them to stay within the letter of the law and judge if the prosecution had proven the case beyond a reasonable doubt. We must accept that. Now we must move on. If I want to be angry now; I will be angry because all across America, promising young African American males are dying at the hands of other promising African American males holding handguns. We should be angry that this country refuses to deal with the issue of individuals having guns who shouldn’t have then. They don’t want to deal with the premise that anyone purchasing a weapon should have a background check and anyone who sells a gun to someone who shouldn’t have it, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I would hope America, particularly Black America, would be just as angry and would be called to action and come forth with full force to address the tragedy that is happening everyday in the streets of Atlanta, the streets of Los Angeles, the streets of Chicago, even the streets of DeKalb County and all across America. Here the hopes, dreams and the legacies of our young black men and women are taken away prematurely by the hands of other promising young black men and women who have somehow wondered off course That, I believe, should be the legacy we carry on with the name of Trayvon Martin, as we look to our legislators who should reconsider the thought process that lead to the stand your ground law.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 02:45:09 +0000

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