In the message below, dated July 9, 2013, from the Galactic - TopicsExpress


In the message below, dated July 9, 2013, from the Galactic Federation of Light, the speaker spends some time talking (among other things) about a NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM for planet Earth that will make it possible for ALL to live abundantly and well, not just the privileged few. It is my firm belief that this NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM FOR THE EARTH IS THE SYSTEM PROVIDED BY AMWAY -- that is to say, by the AMWAY corporation and by various support organizations, such as Worldwide Dream Builders, Visión Global, and others, that exist for the SOLE PURPOSE of helping AMWAY entrepreneurs to succeed in the business. I would recommend to anyone I know, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD (INCLUDING THE TRIBAL PEOPLES IN NORTH AMERICA [AND ELSEWHERE]), that you investigate this opportunity to develop a second income for yourself and your loved ones and family. I can tell you from personal experience that (1) this business DOES help make your dreams come true and that (2) people in this business are better off than people who are not. For more information you can check out the following websites: amway latinamway wwdb nutrilite artistry Paco y Geovana Bazan
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 23:09:37 +0000

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