In the midst of all the celebrating there is yet disappointments, - TopicsExpress


In the midst of all the celebrating there is yet disappointments, pains, turmoils, loneliness, sickness...and the beat goes on and on. In light of these things people have chosen over the years to drown it out (so they think) through any means necessary in attempts to achieve some kind of satisfaction and enjoyment out of life. Then, after it is ALL over, they find it ALL is yet there with some having the added burden of overspending at Christmas. Oh, Im not excluded my brothers and sisters; been there~~done that. So, whats left? A Seeking of the answers to a life of perfection! Well, there is not such animal; EVEN IN SERVITUDE!!! This is why Jesus tells us, Peace I leave with YOU, MY peace, I GIVE unto YOU; not as the world giveth, give I unto YOU. LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED, NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID. (John 14:27) Actually, its not what youre reall y seeking..Its your thirsting of Him in this dry and weary land you find yourself. Oh! Let no one fool you, WE ALL experience it, even the rich! Remember, the rich young ruler? I not, you can find his story in the Book of Luke 18:18-30. With this in mind, the Holy Spirit led me to Psalms 63 for tonight: 1. God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; Note: O God, thou art my God; or, O God, thou art my Mighty One. The last Psalm left the echo of power ringing in the ear, and it is here remembered. Strong affiance bids the fugitive poet confess his allegiance to the only living God; and firm faith enables him to claim him as his own. He has no doubts about his possession of his God; and why should other believers have any? The straightforward, clear language of this opening sentence would be far more becoming in Christians than the timorous and doubtful expressions so usual among professors. How sweet is such language! Is there any other word comparable to it for delights? Can angels say more? Early will I seek thee. POSSESSION BREEDS DESIRE. Full assurance is no hindrance to diligence, but is the mainspring of it. How can I seek another mans God? But it is with ardent desire that I seek after him whom I know to be my own. Observe the eagerness implied in the time mentioned; he will not wait for noon or the cool eventide; he is up at cockcrowing to meet his God. Communion with God is so sweet that the chill of the morning is forgotten, and the luxury of the couch is despised. The morning is the time for dew and freshness, and the Psalmist consecrates it to prayer and devout fellowship. The best of men have been betimes on their knees. The word early has not only the sense of early in the morning, but that of eagerness, immediateness. He who truly longs for God longs for him now. Holy desires are among the most powerful influences that stir our inner nature; hence the next sentence, My soul thirsteth for thee. Thirst is an insatiable longing after that which is one of the most essential supports of life; there is no reasoning with it, no forgetting it, no despising it, no overcoming it by stoical indifference. Thirst will be heard; the whole man must yield to its power: even thus is it with that divine desire which the grace of God creates in regenerate men; only God himself can satisfy the craving of a soul really aroused by the Holy Spirit. My flesh longeth for thee; by the two words soul and flesh, he denotes the whole of his being. The flesh, in the New Testament sense of it, never longs after the Lord, but rather it lusteth against the spirit; David only refers to that sympathy which is sometimes created in our bodily frame by vehement emotions of the soul. Our corporeal nature usually tugs in the other direction, but the spirit when ardent can compel it to throw in what power it has upon the other side. When the wilderness caused Davids weariness, discomfort, and thirst, his flesh cried out in unison with the desire of his soul. In a dry and thirsty land, where no water is. A weary place and a weary heart make the presence of God the more desirable; if there be nothing below and nothing within to cheer, it is a thousand mercies that we may look up and find all we need. How frequently have believers traversed in their experience this dry and thirsty land, where spiritual joys are things forgotten! and how truly can they testify that the only true necessity of that country is the near presence of their God! The absence of outward comforts can be borne with serenity when we walk with God; and the most lavish multiplication of them avails not when He withdraws. Only after God, therefore, let us pant. Let all desires be gathered into one. Seeking first the kingdom of God - all else shall be added unto us. 2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. NOTE: To see thy power and thy glory, so longed not so much to see the sanctuary as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. He as to see his God; he looked through the veil of ceremonies to the invisible One. Often had his heart been gladdened by communion with God in the outward ordinances, and for this great blessing he sighs again; as well he might, for it is the weightiest of all earths sorrows for a Christian man to lose the conscious presence of his covenant God. He remembers and mentions the two attributes which had most impressed themselves upon his mind when he had been rapt in adoration in the holy place; upon these his mind had dwelt in the preceding Psalm, and the say our of that contemplation is evidently upon his heart when in the wilderness: these he desires to behold again in the place of his banishment. It is a precious thought that the divine power and glory are not confined in their manifestation to any places or localities; they are to be heard above the roaring of the sea, seen amid the glare of the tempest, felt in the forest and the prairie, and enjoyed wherever there is a heart that longs and thirsts to behold them. OUR misery is that we thirst so little for these sublime things, and so much for the mocking trifles of time and sense. We are in very truth always in a weary land, for this is not our rest; and it is marvelous that believers do not more continuously thirst after their portion far beyond the river where they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more but shall see the face of their God, and His name shall be in their foreheads. David did not thirst for water or any earthly thing, but only for spiritual manifestations. The sight of God was enough but nothing short of that would content him. How great a friend is He, for him, the very Sight of whom is consolation. Oh, my soul, imitate the Psalmist, and let all thy desires ascend towards the highest good; longing here to see God, and having no higher joy even for eternity. 3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. NOTE: Because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. The complete resignation of the psalmist, his sense of Gods loving kindness, and his desire to praise, not to complain, are, under the circumstances, most wonderful, most admirable, and furnish a pattern to the Church in all ages. Because thy lovingkindness is better than life,.... For life without the love of God is nothing else than death: a man that has no share in the love of God is dead while he lives; all the enjoyments of life, health, riches, honour, friends, & are nothing without the love of God; the meanest temporal blessings with it are preferable to the greatest without it, Proverbs 15:17; it lasts longer than life, and therefore must be better than that; death cannot separate from it; it continues to all eternity. And that the saints prefer it to this natural life appears by their readiness to lay it down for the sake of Christ and his Gospel, in which the lovingkindness of God is so richly manifested unto them; to which may be added, that it is the love of God which gives to his people spiritual life, and which issues in eternal life, and therefore must be better than a temporal one. The Targum (an Aramaic translation) is, for better is thy kindness, which thou wilt do for the righteous in the world to come, than the life which thou givest the wicked in this world; my lips shall praise thee; that is, for thy lovingkindness, and because it is better than life, and any enjoyment of it. 4 Thus will I bless thee while I:live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. 5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips 6 When I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches. 7 Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will Irejoice. 8 My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me. NOTE: The figurative terms— dry and thirsty—literally, weary, denoting moral destitution, suited his outward circumstances. soul—and—flesh—the whole man (Ps 16:9, 10). Amen: I KNOW A CHANGE IS GONNA COME, HALLELUJAH!!!!! JESUS says, COME!! (me) dont for tomorrow~~tomorrow may be just to late. Its so simple, right where you are repeat after me: Lord Jesus, I confess and believe in my heart that you are the Son of God. I come to confess my sin and ask You to forgive me and come into my heart and life. Fill me with Your Spirit and teach me Your Ways. This I ask in the name of Jesus, amen, and so be it unto me. Thats it, nothing more, nothing less. IF YOU prayed that prayer for the first time OR you are rededicating your like to Christ, I only have to words for you, WELCOME HOME!!!! Hey! let us know your decision (if you so choose) and join in with us here at Sister4Lifeministries. And/Or Find you a biblical based church to attend if you dont have one. We are here with a place for you live stream if that is your option. WE ONLY DESIRE THAT YOU BE TAUGHT THE TRUTH....THEREFORE, we are here for you with nothing but the truth based on our foundation, Christ Jesus. Were here to answer any questions about the Word and if one of us do not know, we can and will get the correct one according to the Word and what the Spirit is saying. Thats it Im done. Amen. :):) HAPPY NEW YEAR FAMILY!!!! its 10:36 cst, here. Wheres our Military Family at? Holla at us. This is the introduction to Changing of the tomorrow we begin! I may return...not sure. Love you all with the love of Christ.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:59:01 +0000

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