In the midst of your summer festivities, I ask that everyone take - TopicsExpress


In the midst of your summer festivities, I ask that everyone take a moment to reflect today or tonight. Although I am nowhere near where I want to be professionally, I am truly and humbly blessed! I was able to get out of bed today, get a brisk 3 mile walk in after a workout in the gym, then go to a job. My loving and healthy son is doing great, working, and calls me EVERY day! We end EVERY call with I love you.....If youve read a newspaper, youve seen that Satan, in the form of ISIS, is butchering women and children, and I mean BUTCHERING, in Iraq, with no end in sight to this outright massacre of the innocent there. Every single time I came home from a foreign assignment, whether in Iraq, Africa, Jordan, etc., I was so grateful to be back on American soil, and sometimes embarrased that I come from such a spoiled culture, with cars lined up in driveways, kids having every luxury, on and on......when what I experienced was simply tragic, mere survival for most people in the countries I visited and worked in. Ive truly seen the dark side of humanity in Iraq, and Africa, and Mexico..... If you are struggling, or someone close to you is struggling, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers every single day. If life is treating you like a golden, beautiful sunrise, please remember those who cant get out of bed today, or who are spending today at their childs bedside instead of on the beach....Please send good thoughts to so many in need around us, just for a moment! Whether it be here in the U.S. or Ukraine, or Liberia, or Iraq, we are ALL just human beings, and all in this mess together! Boy,does this world need HELP. Be safe! Thanks.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:25:44 +0000

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