In the name of Allaah, the most beneficial the most merciful - TopicsExpress


In the name of Allaah, the most beneficial the most merciful Where Are we Heading To? Allaah(swt) says: ...but help one another unto righteousness and pious duty. Help not one another unto sin and transgression, but keep your duty to Allaah. Lo! Allaah is severe in punishment. Quran 5 verse 2. As a Muslim, We do not date because we are not an experiment. Youre not here to be tested out and changed by some person. You are not here to share bits and pieces of your body with a person who is in the end going to forget it all and have it lose its significance. Whoever runs away from the truth runs away from Paradise. Majority of Muslims today dress and post bizzare pictures so they can be purchased or rented for-short. Subhan Allaah Alas! Ours is an unfortunate situation that today Muslim sisters with Islamic names can stoop so low by insulting their modesty. Spending thousands on make ups just to display immorality. The mindset of this is perplexing. Our sisters share their most private area pictures and the brothers make favorable comments and Satan jubilates while Allaahs punishment awaits. My beloved brothers and sisters, I call upon your eeman to please have a rethink about your life in this world especially as regards our faith and modesty. Sisters, It’s so amazing when you dress up modestly, and all the men just automatically lower their gazes and treat you like a queen. Those who want to see you without a Hijab, care about themselves, but those who really want you to wear the Hijab or at least dress modestly, care about You. So be wise!!! May Allaah(swt) grant us guidance, forgiveness and understanding. Ameen We ask Allaah(swt) to help Us do that which he loves and pleases him, Ameen And Allaah knows best. As salaamu alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu Kindly Re-bc IslamicRelief Pin:2BB5B209
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:30:30 +0000

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