In the name of Allah the Al-Mighty, I will try to the best of my - TopicsExpress


In the name of Allah the Al-Mighty, I will try to the best of my knowledge to breakdown the questions you ask, whatever I say right is from the grace of Allah and what I say wrong is from my own misunderstand. Let’s begin with the similarity of Islam and Christianity. Both religions believe that God sent prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Joseph, John the Baptist, Jesus, etc., People should follow the Ten Commandments and the moral teachings of the prophets., Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin; therefore Jesus was born miraculously, Jesus Christ is the Messiah and he performed miracles, The Old testament/Torah and the new testament/Gospel) are holy scriptures, Satan is evil; therefore, people should not follow Satan, An Anti-Christ will appear on Earth before the Day of Judgment, Jesus Christ will return by descending from Heaven and will kill the Anti-Christ, The Day of Judgment will occur and people will be judged, and both religions believe in the existence of hell and paradise. 1) is it like Christianity with different words? Islam is the cap stone of all religion. It is the seal that reveal all of the past and what is necessary to make it to a successful life after death. While Christianity has many issue that are questionable to Islam. We believe Christianity has been tampered with a lot, and the words of God have been translated and actually change to deceive the people. Christianity has many innovations these day, therefore the original practices of Jesus Christ is not really being practice by anyone. Islam which came nearly 600 years after Christianity, spoke about Jesus and all the prophet before him. One thing that amazed me is, after 600 years, How does Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) know about Jesus Christ and his Virgin Mother. In conclusion to the question Islam is more advance and is brought to ALL of Mankind. 2) What are some of da practices & beliefs? Islam practices and belief and is very broad. A few of the major believes are the 5 pillars of Islam 1. Shahada (Testify that there is no other God but the one God and Muhammad (PBUB) is the final Messenger) 2.Prayer 3. Fasting during the Holy month of Ramadan. 4. Giving Charity. 5. Preforming Hajj (Pilgrimage) 6 Pillars of Faith 1. Belief in the oneness of God, 2. Belief in the Angels, 3. Belief in the books of Allah 4. Belief in the Prophets of Allah, 5) Belief in the Day of Judgment and 6) Belief in Divine Decree and that Allah has our Destiny is totally under the direction and control of Allah. In Islam we believe that everything big and small has been constituted in being either permissible and not permissible which all can be found in the books. Once again Islam practice is very broad. 3) Is Allah da same as God or Jesus? Allah is unique compared to God. In the Arabic language, Al meaning (The) Lah (God) Allah is a singular word. It can never be Allahs or used in any plural way. On the other hand there are many religions that has a different God for rain, the sun, the moon and so forth which are all contradict with the word Allah. Jesus is a Prophet/ Messenger of Allah. Born from a virgin mother, who he ate, drank, slept, and used the restroom like any other human being. Muslim believe Allah will never be seen until the day of Judgment, where instead Jesus Christ had living amount his people. 4) Does the Quran correspond with da Bible? In the Holy Quran, Chapter 19 titled Maryam (Mary), it is explains everything about Jesus Christ and his revelations and many things corresponded with the bible. 5) How does Islam religion view Allah(?) as, a prophet or The God? 6) Was Allah ever a man or a spirit? I believe this can be answered by my previous explanations 7) What is the Quran based on? The Quran revelations came nearly 600 years after Jesus, upon Muhammad (PBUH)in the Makah, Saudi Arabia. It was revealed upon Arab who were Idol worshipers and use to enslave people and use to kill their infants if it was a girl. The Quran is the last revelation of God and it is based on the ways Mankind should conduct their self, their homes, their neighbors, their community, and to all you can imagine can be found in the Quran. 8) Is it kinda like how da Bible has Old Testament & New Testament & speak about prophets, prophesies & then fullfilled prophecies? The Quran is more of a constitution. It also speaks about the prophets in the past. There are no different types of Quran. One Quran for all and no imitations. 9) Does this religion believe man/woman evolved or was created from God out of love? In Islam we believe that we are all the children of Adam. Adam was created by Allah from dirt and Eve was created by Allah from the rib of Adam. Which is also believed by the Christians, and is contradicts the whole story of evolution. 10) Where do they believe u go after death? In Islam, we believe after death, the soul does not go into another body and is then reborn, but it stays in the world of "Barzakh" till the Day of Judgement. "Barzakh" means the interval between death and resurrection. According to your faith and deeds performed by that person, a different place is fixed for the soul to remain. It stays in that place until the Day of Resurrection. Some stay underneath the "Arsh" (above the skies), some remain at "Aala Illiyyeen" (the highest point), some remain at the well of Zam Zam, and some remain in their grave. This all is of course you are Judged by the Judge of Judges. And the only thing that can help you is all your good deeds. And the only thing that can hurt you are your bad deeds Allah knows Best, may he reward us for our good deeds and may he forgive us for our sins.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 06:50:56 +0000

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