In the name of God, praise God; and peace and blessings be upon - TopicsExpress


In the name of God, praise God; and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God Pray God be upon him: Phenomenon Quranic Quranic phenomenon is the phenomenon .. Impossible, impossible, impossible challenge repetitions impossible interview impossible comparison with other. At the beginning of the call at the time that the call in which the struggling global decided Koran and decide to stay on the debt {I tarried in the book of God to the day of resurrection} (Roman: 56). Professor Bosworth Smith says: I have claimed Mohammed himself in his life the same as what was claimed in the beginning of his career. Quran afternoon and went out phenomenon Quranic to create the aerosol huge nation and maintain the centuries generation of people what they were to enter the history never Lula advancement of their own this book, has decided this fact in the moments when the call is on the line {and its said to you and your people will ask} (decoration: 44) The Koran and believe closer historical document at all, says Schacht heavy-handed on Islam : that there is no conclusive evidence of doubt in the Koran and sightseeing for error. Says William Muir: The Koran is the only book in the world, which remained preserved text of distortion over a thousand and two hundred years. It was a phenomenon of Quranic surprise in Aajazha chart, The style rhetoric and this wording Arabs has never been attempted in strong Qualbhm or in the sea of poetry Zgelh Koran surprise came in Ruth rhetorical and without any reboot at the level of the statement over the decades that preceded the message. The metaphor Quranic not like poetry Arabs, it does not reflect the desert climate and the Arabian desert creatures and fantasy Arabian desert, he is a fantastic comprehensive panel of mixed rivers that flow in the meadows vegetables with the darkness in which Allgih seas. The phenomenon of Quranic entirely independently of the subject of the Prophet, Prophet exposed to calamities and catastrophes such as premature death and the death of his uncle and his bodyguard Abu Talib, we do not find so impact in the Quran with the difference between their deaths, as in some accounts did not exceed three days, however that these two incidents had left their impact resounding terrible on the life of a man who was until the last moments crying Khadija and Abu Talib when the names are mentioned in front of him, and though we do not find any resonance to their deaths in the Quran, we do not find the word Khadija in the whole Koran, but there is no name for any woman in the whole Koran but Mary, who were not related to his life at all. And Mary mentioned in the Quran 34 times while it did not mention any name of any wife of the wives of the Prophet - peace be upon him -. Isa Allah exalt his mention in the Quran 25 times while Prophet - peace be upon him ... -4 times, the Koran and almost have to Musa peace be upon him - as Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Timah- -that God have mercy on the side stories .. As well as in humans to assess the Koran was founded for the finest and most accurate assessment of the balance in humans, namely piety, Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Timah- Allah have mercy on him: God is not in the book of verse and one in which a percentage of praising nor disparage a percentage. Total Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah Gods mercy 35/230 In the aspect of the faith and monotheism The Koran is the ultimate sophistication in purification monotheistic faith of any impurities infidel, D.taib Bou Azza says: The Koran always emphasizes the role of the Holy Scriptures in the monotheistic matter However Koran always emphasizes the divine output of Jewish selfishness - the range where national Lord of the Jews - and the diversity of the Christian - where the doctrine of the Trinity entrenched in the confusion and uncertainty - as God the Lord of the Worlds - one a not nothing like Him, He is the All-Seeing - and so he went out and subsequent amendments theological on Judaism and Christianity at the hands of Thomas Aquinas and Maimonides Kafraz for reading publication Islamic net in God faith, which tarnished sinners Jews and Christians, try the two men coordinate Dyantehma commensurate with the new publication, which will attract all the followers of religions him if rapid intervention to quibble fault and try to get closer to the doctrine of Islam pure did not happen, and to prove that both the two others constructedm also Imadhma the Oneness of God in the final version .. Improvements made to the tenets of which was not inevitable to stop regiments entrants in the new religion. The Koran literary writers and nodular at the same time and to the same degree, the original mission is to provide a range of solutions to the problems Alkhaldtan namely knowledge and behavior, and within this literary unit available scientific accuracy and cognitive precision because a book inspired by the creator of heaven and earth, and so the Quran is the only Almqtds on the face of the earth, which is devoid of scientific error and one book, and this in itself is the greatest scientific miracles at all, but I say give me a brochure or a small folded written since only two hundred years describe anything out of existence, and Im going out to you, including explicit scientific errors, wrote Aristotle three books scientific in the naturalist, in the heavens, the earth, these books three does not exist today where one sentence scientifically valid, and it was Aristotle believes that womens teeth differ in the number of the mans teeth, and found in the womans chest three ribs only, and function of the brain blood cooling while the function of the heart is heated, and he believed that the groundwater formed by a hole in the heart of the earth movement of ocean water to it, while the Koran says in this latter issue, for example, summary findings of his science since only a few decades, is that the groundwater source rainwater water {not seen that God sent down water from the sky Vslleke springs in the earth} )21( Al al, is the source of underground water springs consisting of rain, not Aristotle that in the depth of the continent gap. Vmadzh disciple knowledge of the Koran is my greatest scientific miracle at all, with that book set of knowledge and behavior in the first place, and according to the principle of Albuquela Bucaillism - who Beskh Maurice Bucaille decades Kulailh- the Koran after a scientific review of minutes is the only book that has no by scientific error and despite the fact that one year old in 1400, Imagine if that letter and one of the most books distortion at all Kalveda - Bible Hendos- was present in the book of God? Veda says: fixed ground not moving Alrig Vida 12/02/12, God created the earth fixed Yagur Vida 32-6. And the sun revolves around the earth in a golden chariot driven by seven horses Yagur Vida 33-43, and proves Bull of Heaven Yagur Vida 4-30, -uwaliageor Vida is one of the four legal scriptures Hindos-. Alvicno Parana say that the sun away from the earth 800 thousand miles, while scientifically 93 million a mile, and also says that the sun is closer to the Earth than the moon. He says Alatharva Vida In the midst of the water spins the Moon Atharva Veda 18.4.89. And many others, with the books of Hinduism are distorted almost every 500 years, praise be to God for the ring Archived infallible, which reached us Din Muhammad Ashraf creation of God be upon him, undiminished. Now Is the Koran is inspired home of Rahman says Dr. Mohamed Abdullah Draz may Allah have mercy on his book The great news p. 21: The Koran explicit permission in that it does not workmanship which Muhammad - peace be upon him not to one of creation, but it is the home of when Gods word and its meaning is amazing that some people still need to be inferred on the first part of this issue is that it is not from Mohammed. The truth is that this issue if found a judge serving justice to only hear this testimony, which came spokesman owner himself, and any interest for the sane who claims to himself the right leadership and challenge the people Baloaajip miracles to confirm their leadership, no interest has to be attributed his goods to others if Anthlha When he found people none opposed and claimed by the same .., but the Prophet saw himself helpless {Say: If, God willing, what you read, you do not have to do Adrakm aired in you lived by him not understand?} (Yunus: 16). Its a fair issue neutral issue, the issue of logical mentality, the issue finished, a recognition that the Koran is inspired by God.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:02:13 +0000

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