In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to Allah, the Lord of - TopicsExpress


In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad Sadiq promise Secretary, O Allah, we are not aware, but what taught us You are the Knower Hakim, God taught us what utilitarian and Anfna including taught us and we have increased the note, and show us the really right and grant us his followers and show us falsehood and grant us to avoid it, and make us listen to those who say tracking Well, we have introduced mercy on Thy righteous. Dear brothers believers: With seventy lesson from the lessons of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah Almighty God bless them all, and with the second lesson of the biography of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him and satisfied,. Dear brothers this Sahaabi is the companion first, so if you read his biography can be a role model for any believer in the way of faith, was in the same question constantly question the certainty of the right, and questioned by Huda, was this Sahaabi friend Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , meaning that it is very close to him, the higher the level of mans to Snoh level became a friend of his. The Prophet, peace be upon him in an interview correctly Ammar said: I heard Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: your choice in ignorance of your choice in Islam if (Agreed) Until this Arab nation chosen by God to be a middle nation, this nation is in Jahlitha involving many noble morality, it was Hatim al-Tai, one of the masters of Arabs in ignorance says to his servant: *** Kindle the night Lille poverty and the wind O Wind fireplace grate Perhaps see of passes that brought a guest you are free *** That is, Jitna and enabled me to honoring you are free, Some kindles fire towering at night so evidenced by the guests on the location of villages and honor, and the Arabs in ignorance December protect , and honored guest, and aiding the oppressed, and appointed the ravages of age they have noble morality really is. Dear brothers: Arabs in ignorance of them were months campus, I do not forget that they had many shortcomings, there are wars, but there are noble morality despite the ignorance from which they suffer ... your choice in ignorance of your choice in Islam if In these sacred months turn swords into branches, and stop the war, stop the bloodshed, this feature was with them, while we hear now that the war lasted thirteen years and ... And civil wars do not keep nor devastating, there are noble moral ignorance, and was friendly upon the pleasure of Allah at the top of these models, which lived in ignorance, which came to her Islam, which is the purity of the instinctive, this Sahaabi As I told you did not drink wine, not worship an idol and was in imagination questionable large on the right, which is the cure of souls was once in the Levant in the business, and before leaving the Levant to his Mecca seen a vision, he saw a moon has left the place on the horizon the top, and descended on Mecca, where integral to spare parts, scattered in all homes Mecca and homes and then تضامنت these parts again, and returned the moon to his being the first, and settled in the lap of Abu Bakr, woke this friend of his sleep, he saw this vision, he led to one of the monks pious who understand, and hold them links Baham, trimming it vision, Vthll In the good monk, and he said to Abu Bakr: The mass of his days, he said: Who do you mean? He said: The Prophet, which is expected, I have qualified his days, and the monk answered him: Yes, and will provide him, and will be the happiest people. This call scientists Biography harbingers, and things venerable great must-have signals confirm its arrival, and promise them, our Lord Jesus and the Prophet prayers and peace God spoke in the cradle said I am Abdullah, a child born just Did you say I am Abdullah? When he grew up and God sent a messenger to his people remember that this boy is the one who spoke in the bud, فالمعجزات that appear on the hands of the prophets in the very early than sending them to people are not miracles in the strict sense, but as they say scientists Biography harbingers, I mean early signs, and when he sends the prophet his message to the nation reminds people that the rights and special status when he was young, Verbton between that event the old and the new mission, and this linkage have which confirms that the Divine Providence chose this man to be a prophet and that the meaning of the verse: (Surah Taha) There are harbingers come early, this confirms the people ratified the mission of the prophets, Vsadna friend ranks Alsidikah, God who is no god but He, when you read his biography you will find that incredible, the love that entails this great companion of the Prophet is almost incredible, Almaatherh, sacrifice , loyalty, understanding, perception, at the highest level, and these capabilities inimitable granted by God for the believers met their sincerity to seek the truth. The more the sincerity to seek the truth God granted exceptional abilities will help you to achieve Mtbak in life, if this was the strict sense of the harbingers of the emergence of the Prophet, peace be upon him. Jesus was traveling friend, and returned to Mecca, but this time he returned to Mecca, which happened very gravely missed, which is great, and the news of manual deferral, what is this news? Approached Abu Bakr of Mecca He felt that the event was when he left, and when he entered Mecca, and met his friends put Abu Jahl and embraced, and began to Abu Jahl said: Oouhdthok for your companion O Atiq, master friend was named in ignorance obsolete, replied Abu Bakr: Why means, means Muhammad Amin, Abu Bakr said: Yes, I mean orphan Bani Hashim, look at the label friend of Muhammad, Muhammad means the Secretary, and Dar es fast dialogue between Abu Jahl between a friend, said: I heard you say O Amr ibn Hisham? He said: Yes, I heard, and heard all the people, he said: What do you say? He said: say a god in heaven, and the gods they have in their hands, says that in heaven, God sent us to worship him, and leave what our fathers used to worship, then the Lord asked the friend, or he said: God inspired him? Abu Jahl said: Yes, Siddiq said: Did not say how your Lord? , Abu Jahl said: He said that Gabriel came to him in the cave of Hira, and Abu Bakr face shine like the sun, said in a calm and quiet: if he said this has ratified. Chapter all around the word, if he said this has been ratified, but these reasons called friend, because his belief honestly Muhammad peace be upon him above suspicion humans lived forty years what try people it lie cat, man lived for forty years what try people he betrayed cat, such as This human freedom to believe if he says, of course, Abu Jahl what to expect this situation quiet, and this certification is thought he will deliver on my ears Abu Bakr news staggering thinks he Sevsam bonds of affection between him and the friend, and this friend believes the Prophet peace be upon him, said that He said this has been ratified. Inadvertently Abu Bakr his home to see his family, and shake him and عثاء travel, and after serving God is the effect, then that prophet friend wanted to call the Prophet peace be upon him direct contact, which knows a good knowledge, when the Prophet peace be upon him a little kid, Having been friends to play as children play normally, he would say, peace be upon him a small child: I have not created for this, at the age of his first he was aware of the big task ahead. But a friend it, God bless did not believe the Prophet incautiously but his experience with the Prophet long time, and I tell you this is the truth that the human rectum Sharif, Tahir Sadiq, Secretary, of the morals Thus, if you spoke behooves him to be honest, the deviation behavioral always offset deviation ideological , and ideological deviation always matched by behavioral deviation it is a lump fact, he says: (Sura small kindnesses) (Sura stories) There are inherent essential inevitable between religious right and the creation Karim, the saw thought Neira, and reason راجحا and words always the truth, and the opinion is true, فظن predominance conjecture that the owner of this talk of good and that mind correct human being straight, but Ive seen straightening and Oraa, and purification, and honest, and honestly, فظن predominance likely that the owner of such high moral character man correct principles, I think this belief, there is a correlation is necessary and inevitable between the safety of behavior and thought, between faith and integrity and safety of movement principle in life. Lord friend who lived with the Prophet a long life came to him the message in the forty and he was in the thirty-eighth, a close in age with the age of the Prophet lived with him a certain length of time long, which does not lie does not betray, not seen in the position embarrassed him, did not see in the position of apologizing him, this man if he has been ratified, and in the Quran there are some signals, he says: (Surat al-Alaq) Verse ended, how the verse ends, the answer did not come? What do you think, who finished a slave If prayed answer any look at the morals, to see Dinath, see and promise, to see perpetrated misdeeds, look at behavioral deviation Almighty said: (Surat al-Alaq) Look at the integrity, this correlation is very important, perhaps this correlation is the subject of this chapter, our Lord friend did not initiate the rush, and said: I Believe, except for an expert that our master Muhammad peace be upon him, so I thought, my brothers and this is the doctrine of the Muslim, The prophets infallible Before the message, though they are not infallible before the message doubt people call them, because they are made on the eye of God Almighty, but they Prepare for this great task. Lord friend moved out of his house after shaking him and عثاء travel and went to the house of the Prophet peace be upon him, was an interview between them at the speed of light and صفائه, Abu Bakr said: أصحيح what Onbona by folk O brother Arabs, not the Messenger of Allah said, peace be upon him: Why Onbúk said: God sent you to us to worship him and involve him something, he said: What was your answer them, O Atiq, I told them: that said this has been ratified, he tells biographers that he had overflowed kind messenger of God with tears HB, thank you, because it is thought to be This man is the first to believe him, he thinks has been achieved. You, dear brother Karim when ratified right, when you had to publish the truth, and when employing your potential in the deployment of the right, it worked great, preacher man is weak, but strong his brothers, sturdy including assisted by strong, who takes However, others with him to Allah and His Messenger, when wraps rights around and finds men in every sense of the word, tough, and رعين, motivated, sacrificing, ready to provide expensive and cheap and self-Nafis, for this doctrine tolerant, this is something heartened any preacher, of course, the Prophet peace be upon him is the master of creation and Habib right, I mean, that were not advocate Be with calling a certain and a champion, do not be in a ditch hostile to the people of the right, be with the people of the right, and be of help to them not to you when God great reward, always the group secured all مرحومة, and each one has a role in the family any roles the most dangerous? And the value of the husband and his bumper without wife educates, and give birth, and cook, offering aid and services to members of the family, the son has a role, and the pair has a role, this is a family, and the community of believers family, no one is better than the one per family, a family sense of the word, all collaborators great to achieve the goal for which you came to this message. When overflowed kind Prophet tears HB thank hugged his owner, and prior to his forehead, and went wrought how the revelation came to him in the cave of Hira, he says: (Surat al-Alaq) Noticed that he was traveling, he saw a vision and asked the priest about, and this was the vision precursor, and returned to Mecca, Vtlqah Abu Jahl and told him a story and imagined that Sevsam the bonds of friendship between the righteous and the Prophet peace be upon him, how that Siddiq expertise long this man great relied on the morals of the attic , Do you have another witness? See confirms the correlation between the sincerity of the call and the high morals, and this fungal witness, Khadija flag? And studied at university, and graduated from the Faculty of legitimacy in the Muslim world? When Onboha the Prophet, peace be upon him that had he received the revelation of what I told him? She said: Allah will not disgrace God never, you report the guest, and bear all, and had the ravages of age, linked between sincerity and of morals, and that another witness, linked between sincerity and between morals, and this is the witness mildew without complications, man sincere, devout, Secretary , humble, most likely to his right, and that his words nourishes the mind most likely to be a straight line, there is a correlation, because delinquents in their faith delinquents in their behavior, and المنحرفون in their behavior delinquents in their faith. What was this great companion after that before the Prophet and cried, but the lift with both hands at the hands of the owner, there are people who are rare intensity of affection and longing put your hands both on his hand, Vsadna friend grabbed his hands combined and shook hands with them the Prophet peace be upon him, said: I bear witness that you are sincere Secretary and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah, so he said, peace be upon him: I never called anyone to Islam, however, never had a setback, but my brother Abu Bakr. Listen brothers to some of what was said by the Prophet, peace be upon him in the right of this companion, he said, peace be upon him: What one hand we have only has كافأناه out except Abu Bakr, it has our hand I hope God to be equivalent Day of Resurrection. Sometimes offers you a great human being known you feel that all your potential rewards are known, says him: ĚŇÇß God all the best, and God I am unable to thank. O Muslim Brotherhood: insured mettle Ok, if he does good, it quickly forget, but if he did one with better not forget it forever, if someone gave you a favor mentioned Bmarovh, and tell him you prefer Ali, God does not forget you your favor to death, whenever I saw mentioned Bmarovh, and this from a good parent, because the meanness and ingratitude, and ingratitude this of villains printed. *** Free and doctrine all free doctrinal what you Balegaoi not a bigot Refuse my heart that tends to harm injury love of temperament Scorpio I respond con Bmadsh the if I am satisfied by lightning chelation According to the abuser, essay, or feeling in his secret I wish I did not guilty *** And once the Prophet peace be upon him among his companions, he passed a man in front of them and said one of them: God, I love him, he said to him the prophet: Arise, and I know this love, there are people begrudge the word good, for example, that you feel affectionately toward your brother did not remain silent, I remember this love, said thanks you, and the Prophet peace be upon him when he finished repast nostalgia, and it was prayer and peace at the height of his power means the graph to the power of the Prophet peace be upon him and the extent of his control over the Arabian Peninsula was at aphelion, and heard that some fans may have found it in themselves, mean logic age possible strong eliminates the presence of critics cancellation, can strong that wasted their dignity, Flo, that the Prophet said in their right: they are hypocrites for they finished, it is possible that يهملهم, it is possible that Aatbhm, what did peace be upon him is at the height of his power? It was narrated that Abu Saeed said what gave the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him what gave those gifts in the Quraish and Arab tribes was not in Ansar them anything found this neighborhood of supporters in themselves until abounded including El Kala even said قائلهم received the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his people And he went by Saad bin worship said, O Messenger of Allah that this neighborhood have found you at themselves as made in the shade, which I was divided in your people and give gifts of bones in the Arab tribes did not in this neighborhood of supporters something said where youre oh so Saad said O Messenger of God, what I am only Imru of nationalist and I said فاجمع me your people in this barn he went Saad gathered the people in the barn he came men from immigrant فتركهم they entered and others came فردهم when he met Attah Saad said to have met you this neighborhood from the Ansar said, gave them the Messenger Gods peace be upon him glorified God and praised him that which is his people and then said O Ansar what bilingual you, Jeddah and Cdetmoha in yourselves pain Atkm astray Fahadakm God and dependent Vognakm God and enemies He formed God between your hearts said, but God and His Messenger, security and better said, not Tgapununa O Ansar said and what answer you, O Messenger of Allah, and Allah and His Messenger, aphids and credited told The God, if you like to you said Vlsedktm and you believe Otina مكذبا Vsedknak and forsaken Vnasrnak and fugitive فآويناك and their families Vogninak Ocdetm in yourselves, O Ansar in Aaah than the minimum composed by some people to surrender and Okltkm to conferred not then you happy O Ansar that people go sheep and camel and brought back the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in Rahalkm Volve same Hand is not for immigration to be a thing of the Ansar even wire people are people, and walk Ansar people to trod the people of Ansar God be merciful supporters and members of the Ansar and the sons of sons of the Ansar said wept folk even Okhaddloa their beards and said we like the Messenger of Allah and good portion, then came the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him and dividing us * (Narrated by Ahmad) What did he say? Remind them thanks to them on it. And you, dear brother Karim خدمك brother, أكرمك, has given you, knead on God, your husband gave you something precious, beware that memorable bounty, it is لؤم originally to forget bounty, but if made known, you should forget what I have done, and if making a you known there Tennis, people Outstanding in their faith if they known not remembered at all, as if they were what they did, but if he did them known not forget never as long as they alive, word is good charity, someone gave you a service and I have seen a week later, then say to him: ĚŇÇß Gods goodness, I am God does not Please forget, encouraged him, there is a person who receives services of others, and has known a silent, as if these services tax them that his Aaduha. Whats the one hand we have only has كافأناه out except Abu Bakr, it has our hand equivalent by God on the Day of Resurrection. It is not Sahabi of the companions of the Messenger of Allah, without exception, only mentioned the Prophet including deserves never, this greatness of the Prophet peace be upon him, Vokhalagah, and greatness, and starred as the sun in the fourth day, the time I read the word writer of writers, he said: It is a painstaking and painful those efforts efforts of the stars to light up in the presence of sunlight. Try to see the stars in the back, where is she? Someone told me: Is there anything more than a luxury five-star, and I said to him: Yes, stars afternoon, above this is not the only star back. Impossible to see the stars at noon, of course, the expression used by the public if someone had something Sara is not likely he said: that he saw a star back in the fourth day, and this is something impossible, every prophet, peace be upon him what Sahabi his family only gave him the right and Oncefh, but would great is the prophets and the non-believers that if they turned up do not allow one to appear with them at all, great Outstanding in the life of their habit if they appeared تألقوا and reached the pinnacle of success do not allow one of them to appear, but the Prophet peace be upon him is the one who أظهرهم. Lord forbid said: O God forbid, I love you, one of the brothers scientists prepare a booklet nice sayings of the Prophet in his companions, these words of the books of biography as a whole.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:55:06 +0000

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