..In the name of God the Merciful Ramadan receive anything? And - TopicsExpress


..In the name of God the Merciful Ramadan receive anything? And any number of Nottaghz for Ramadan? Obashra types of beverages?! Ibtaufer varieties of cuisine?! Ibttaghiz kitchens and dining halls?! Ibokhz off from work and devote themselves to sleep? Q: What are the proper ways to receive this great month? Muslim should not overdo seasons in acts of worship, and that of former contestants where it is, Allah - the Almighty - Let the competitors in the verse [Mutaffifin: 26]. The beloved Prophet peace be upon him do good Dhrkm, and subjected to Nfhat the mercy of God, the God whiff of mercy affects their wills of His slaves and amused God to Leicester Auratkm and to secure Roatkm Albani said in Silsilah 4/511: Ramadan things we receive them First, pray that God tells you the month of Ramadan, said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: Supplication is worship. Narrated by the authors of Sunan bond properly and is in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 1329 The Ancestors call informing them that the God of Ramadan, and then they call that is acceptable to them. If you reach Ramadan and saw Crescent says as the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him if he saw Crescent : God, his family and the faith we have in Yemen, safety and Islam Lord and your Lord God (Ham v k) for Talha. Shaykh al-Albani said: (Hassan) look modern Number: 4726 in the Whole Second: Praise and thanks for health, said nuclear - may God have mercy on him - in the book Adhkaar: (I know that it is mustahabb for those who renewed his blessing phenomenon, or pushed him curse phenomenon that prostrate thanks be to God - the Almighty - or discourage what is his family) how much of a man who prays beside you in doing last year and is now lying in the dirt waiting for an invitation is valid, even if he was told that he wished to hours of Ramadan Be You is Third: the joy and jubilation, proven from the Messenger of Allah that he preached the coming of the month of Ramadan, his companions and says: {there comes the month of Ramadan, the month of Ramadan Mubarak God wrote you to fast open the gates of Paradise and closes the gates of hell ... talk} [Reported by Ahmad]. It was our righteous forebears of the Companions of the Messenger of God and the care of them until the month of Ramadan, and rejoice in his arrival, and any greater joy than to tell near the Ramadan season of good things, and descend pities. Imagine dear guest, you have not seen for years and came to you, what are you doing to him is Framadan Where is welcome good work Fourth: Determined sincere shall seize and architecture of his time with good works, it is the truth of God sincerity and subsidy on obedience and pleased him ways to goodness, Allah - the Almighty - Flo believe God was good to them, [Muhammad: 21]. Valsahabi who swore allegiance to the Prophet on to hit an arrow from here come out of here Vsedk and believes God Be honest with God Fifth: science and jurisprudence provisions of Ramadan, then the believer to worship God aware of, nor excused ignorance of the statutes imposed by God on the subjects, including fasting during Ramadan should be for a Muslim to learn the issues of fasting and its provisions before coming, to be his fast right is acceptable to God - the Almighty -: Ask the people mentioned that you do not know, Prophets: 7]. And do not forget the world of three people and educated and Hulk you from any class Sixth, we must receive them the intention to leave the sins and evil deeds and sincere repentance from all sins, and quit them and not return to it, it is the month of repentance, it is then when it does not repent repent?! Allah - the Almighty - repent to God and all, O believers, that ye may prosper [Nur: 31] Seventh: good preparation for a call to God in him, through: 1 - Prepare some of the words and guidance in preparation for a well-thrown into a mosque in the neighborhood shop in the job Be calling to God for insight and be not of those who took the path of ignorance. 2 - Distribution of brochures, letters and sermons jurisprudence regarding Ramadan worshipers and people of the neighborhood. 3 - Setup (Ramadan gift) and can be used in it (the envelope) that put the two bands and the booklet, and write it (Ramadan gift). 4 - to recall the poor and needy, and to make them alms and Zakat. Eighth: welcome Ramadan opening bright white page with: Almighty God to repent sincerely. Allah said: [Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves] Allah says: O ye who believe, repent to Allah with sincere repentance, hoping that your Lord will expiate from you your sins and admit you into Gardens underneath which rivers God said: but repentance to God for those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon Those repent upon them, and Allah is Knower, the Wise Women 17 He says: God wants you to repent and who wants to follow the desires that Tmillwa great-mile (27) Qatada, it said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, I repent to seventy times a day The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: I ask forgiveness from God ... that there is no god but He, the neighborhood Gayoom and repent to Him thrice forgiven him his sins and that was a fugitive from a crawl B - open a blank page with the Prophet peace be upon him and obey him in order to avoid what forbade him and enjoined. C - open a blank page with the parents and relatives, wombs and wife and children and the relevant mainland. D - open a blank page with the community in which they live in order to be valid and useful servant said peace be upon him: the good people most beneficial to the people, said Sheikh Albani: (Hassan) look modern Number: 3289 in the Whole. Ninth: devotion to God in fasting: Devotion to God - the Almighty - He says it was hoping to meet his Lord Vlieml good work and do not involve the worship of his Lord anyone (110) cave and devotion to the spirit of worship, and the key to accept the survivors good works, and the reason for the aid and reconcile Lord of the objects, and as much as faith and sincerity and honesty with God and in the will of goodness be Gods help to Abdo insured, Ibn al-Qayyim - may God have mercy on him -: (As far as the intention of a person and his ambition and his way and his desire to be reconciled so - the Almighty - and help him ...). Tenth: the safety of the chest with the Muslims. . . And not be between you and any Muslim Ahina as the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to inform God created all night half of August, forgives all his creation, but an idolater or Wrangler - true carrot and the stick in 1016 Eleventh: worthwhile duties such as praying in congregation at dawn and others so as not to miss a minimum wage in September, and what you can gain from the burdens that hinder the march of remuneration. Twelfth: Baltaud on the night prayer and supplication and take on Lord of the Koran so as not to weaken in the middle of the month. In addition, take special times to read the Quran after the prayers or before or between Morocco and dinner or other times during August and September and beyond, God willing, from Ibn Abbas - God bless them -: The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - the finest people and is the finest in Ramadan when Jibreel Quraan with him .. It was the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - more generous than the blowing wind. Thirteenth: self-accountability for failing to achieve certificates or dereliction of duties or failure to not leave it soak in it or suspicions of desires .. Who shall be a slave to his conduct in September on a high degree of faith .. Faith increases and decreases, increases and decreases obedience Palmasahesid even be Kaljbl and shorter until it no longer be said something km bin appointment Fourteenth: to be the sound of your heart polytheism and disbelief and heresy, love their parents He says Day whereon neither wealth nor sons (88) but came from God with a sound heart (89) Poets He says although the Shiites to Abraham (83) came as Lord with a sound heart (84) Fifteenth: Breakfast fasters and locks on your fast Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from fasting or mushroom equipped invader has its reward like Shaykh al-Albani said: (true) look modern Number: 6414 in the Whole And do not forget the poor work of love to God Almighty pleasure to enter the heart of a Muslim and no doubt pleased his intervention on poor meal in Ramadan from business to love God Almighty روابي
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 09:39:21 +0000

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