In the news today is an article about a restaurant in North - TopicsExpress


In the news today is an article about a restaurant in North Carolina giving a prayer discount. Now I have a lot of friends.. some pray, others dont.. I have friends of many different religions and affiliations. I respect others beliefs and I hope they respect mine. That being said, I think this restaurant owner is pretty cool. After reading the article I made the mistake of reading the comments. Why oh why lol This gentleman apparently believes that showing gratitude= lack of intelligence.. sad sad sad :( Andy F. Lichtenwalner · Works at Retired Since this restaurant is located in Winston-Salem, I wonder what sort of discount they give if you burn a Witch at the stake. It would be far more appropriate to personally thank the employees who prepared your meal than to say some mumble-jumble to some imaginary mythical sky daddy that had absolutely nothing to do with the food. Jenny Jen · University of South Florida Seeing as how the witch persecution occurred in colonial SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS (not Winston-Salem, NC) I dont see the relevance. I do, however, think you should have a refresher course on US history before you open your judgmental mouth. Thanks and good day.. Andy F. Lichtenwalner · Works at Retired Granted I got the location wrong however the idea still applies. They are providing a discount to people who believe in things that have no evidence of be true. Just like burning people just because they appear different. Jenny Jen · University of South Florida Andy F. Lichtenwalner actually they are giving a discount if you take a minute to show they are grateful/thankful for what they have. Not sure where you are getting they are believing in things that they have no proof of... it is not my place (or anyones for that matter) to tell someone how, who or what to believe. Anyone regardless of race, gender or religion can eat in her establishment and if they take a minute to show they are grateful for the food they get a small discount.. whats the big deal? People are always so hung up on religion being crammed down their throat that they live with blinders on.. saying thank you and acknowledging there are many less fortunate is not just about religion. I grew up on the mission field in a 3rd world country so maybe Im just more tolerant than most but the ignorance found in this country is staggering. Andy F. Lichtenwalner · Works at Retired Would the owner have given me a discount had I personally thanked each employee that played a role in preparing my meal? I think not. However, the owner does provide discounts to those who do totally useless religious rituals benefiting no one. While that is the owners right, it shows a lack of intelligence on their part. Jenny Jen · Top Commenter · University of South Florida Andy F. Lichtenwalner Im pretty sure if you took a quiet moment to reflect on the work that went into the making of the food by thanking the employees then that counts as a prayer. She never said you had to thank God.. Allah.. the Goddess... Jesus... Saint Mary.. or any other god or diety.. She said she gives the discount for anyone who takes the time to appreciate their food before digging in. Obviously you were not raised right if you feel that by showing gratitude there is a lack of intelligence. I feel sorry for you and your intelligence. :(
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:18:00 +0000

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