In the next two years America is going to have to decide who will - TopicsExpress


In the next two years America is going to have to decide who will lead this great country. Before you place that vote keep in mind that my Republican friends will not admit that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were mistakes, thus are doomed to repeat them. They were very comfortable occupying an Arab country, which cost us thousands of lives and millions of Mid Eastern people. They will never admit that that occupation has led to generations of Arabs hating us to the point of jihad. They will never accept responsibility of having no plan and bad leadership equates to loss of life. They can know longer deny the extensive grotesque use of tortures only now being understood. They continue to deny the crimes against humanity as documented by the Afghan diaries! So until they start owning up to the abhorrent actions, how can America entrust this great nation to them? They will tell you Obama is a liar and on and on, but as the evidence shows, Obama is trying to get us all healthcare, hes fighting for equality, he wants the min wage raised and although not perfect, hes on the other end of the spectrum when it comes to wrongdoing! He may even make you sick, but he aint killing your kids! Finally, theres the Great Recession! Republicans will tell you it was Clintons fault or even Carters, but its just not true! It was predatory lenders and predatory traders that led to a financial collapse, but instead of minimizing the crisis, men like Hank Paulson fueled the fires which resulted in the worst recession in the nations history! Many will never know how close we were to the edge! Tens of millions of hard working normal Americans lost everything in a blink of an eye! To this day none of them were ever bailed out! Again, bad leadership! You people have a short attention span and a shorter memory, so as your friend I will respectfully remind you! Respectfully...
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:26:15 +0000

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