In the nineteenth century , Tsarist Russia has a revolutionary - TopicsExpress


In the nineteenth century , Tsarist Russia has a revolutionary agitation is getting worse after a failed revolution of 1905 and the Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War. Following the shortages caused by the First World War and the difficulties of the army on the eastern front , popular discontent opens in 1917 on the Russian Revolution, which brought about the fall of the imperial government and the abdication of Nicolas II March 1917. Despite the introduction of several successive provisional governments , discontent continues because the new government intends to respect the commitments Russian -à-vis the Allies and continue the war against Germany , Austria- Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Soviet soldiers, workers and peasants form . The Bolsheviks are supported by the growing popularity of their slogans : Factories to the workers , land to the peasants , peace to the people. The (according to the old Julian calendar), the Bolsheviks , led by Lenin , organized the coup of October by taking of the Winter Palace , where the provisional government headquarters . An armistice was signed in December 1917 led to the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk in March 1918 that ceded to Germany the Ukraine , Belarus, the Baltic States , Finland and Poland. Half of Belarus and two-thirds of Ukraine will briefly recovered after the German defeat and lost face again Allies and whites during the civil war , to finally join the Soviet Russia in 1922 ) . Moreover, the industrial and financial private property is abolished and factories and banks nationalized. Instead, state ownership is established in almost all means of production , except agricultural . The Bolsheviks also cancel Russian commitments on bond issues by the tsarist government to finance the war . The young Russian Soviet Socialist Republic ( RSFSR ) gets a federalist constitution, but the Soviet government became fictitious after the ban by the Bolsheviks other revolutionary movements in 1918. Establishing the single party , the principle of governance is democratic centralism theory based on the power of soviets of workers and peasants , the Bolsheviks did in practice that obey political bureau ( Politburo in Russian ) formed by Lenin , Trotsky , Stalin, Kamenev , and Krestinsky some others. In this system, the legislative body is the Supreme Soviet, but it does generally only confirm the decisions of Politiburo . Vladimir Ulyanov Lenin was the real leader of the system, and thus Head of State, even if he had not the title . From 1918 to 1921 , Russia and neighboring countries are plunged into civil war , during which the White Russians ( Tsarist or Republicans) , the independence of the different nationalities , the Czechoslovak Legion formed by former prisoners of war Austro-Hungarian the anarchist Makhno and the armies of France , the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States , opposed the Red Army set up by Trotsky until 1921. latter prevails in partly due to internal dissensions which disrupt his opponents. Civil war pushed the Politburo to declare the war communism , the essential steps are : Nationalization of small industries , handicrafts and commerce; Centrally planned by the government so production Strict discipline for workers ( strikers could be shot ) ; Compulsory labor of the peasants ; Prohibition of all forms of private enterprise; Requisition of agricultural production, often beyond the minimum subsistence farmers ( famine ) ; Rationing and centralized distribution of food. Some elements of the Soviet regime also put in place at that time: The soldiers of the Red Army, first recruited on the basis of premiums, then undergo the conscription ; Establishment of a political police and special courts, responsible for arrest and prosecute enemies of the regime ; The Communist Party is the single party ; Censorship of the press and radio , which fall into the hands of the party; The Third International ( Comintern or ) becomes an instrument of power. Foreign communist parties must be subservient to Moscow and obey blindly . The revolutions of 1919 in Germany and Hungary, as well as strikes in most European countries suggest that the Soviet Revolution is global . But the crash Spartakists and the resignation of Bela Kun put an end to those hopes. With War Communism , Lenin and the Communist Party managed to stay in power. They won the civil war and the danger of a restoration of the monarchy is discarded. At the end of the civil war, a terrible famine ravaging Russia between 1921 and 1922 , causing millions of deaths. The causes of this famine are complex drought, requisitions imposed by various camps in previous years, disorganization campaigns after the war and agrarian reforms , Gulag Deportations many workers blockade allies. Russia is traumatized by the experience of civil war production collapses , many engineers, technicians, officers , lawyers, scholars and teachers died during the war or deported to gulags . This operation marks the legacy of the Soviet Union until its collapse . The USSR world power [edit | edit the code] WWII bled the USSR ( more than 20 million victims, including a majority of civilians) and destroyed much of its industrial facilities and cities . The immediate post-war period of reconstruction. The country regained its level of industrial production before the war and twice in 1952. Nuclear industry grows, with the creation of the Mayak nuclear complex. The USSR carried out its first nuclear test in 1949 , and accessing the worlds second largest nuclear power. At the same time , the cult of personality is brought to its height by Stalin. Shortly after the death of the latter in 1953 , Nikita Khrushchev came to power and denounced the excesses of his predecessor. Domestically begins a period of relative prosperity ; citizens rights are better respected, this is the beginning of some liberalization . The USSR amazes the world by its lead in space by putting Sputnik into orbit and by sending Yuri Gagarin , first man in space. At the international level , the USSR expands its influence in many countries of the third world and achieved by massive investment in weaponry to compete with the United States , particularly in the nuclear and ballistic missiles. This period of Cold War resulted in many conflicts and tensions around the world between the two superpowers and their allies. The Cuban missile crisis in 1962 lack of degenerating into a nuclear conflict. The accession to power of Leonid Brezhnev (1964 ) results in a relative détente between the two major ( Helsinki conference ), but also on the domestic front, a reduction in reform efforts that had failed in its predecessor Programme ( among other virgin land). The difference between the standard of living of the Soviets and the inhabitants of Western countries is increasing. The tension between the two superpowers again after 1979 following the invasion of Afghanistan and the arrival of Ronald Reagan as President of the United States in 1980. Russia independent [edit | edit the code] Map of the Russian Federation, in the contours of the Soviet Union. End of the USSR [edit | edit the code] Main article: Moscow Putsch and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985 by leading CPSU with the desire to reform the system to combat economic stagnation and the remnants of Stalinism , but its reforms are rather mixed results . Perestroika ( economic restructuring ) has not achieved the desired objectives have exacerbated the shortages of consumer goods and social inequalities resulting popular discontent , while democratization of the regime , which started with glasnost (transparency) , triggers conflict inter- ethnic and the rise of nationalism , misunderstood by the Russians. Since 1989 , the USSR already beginning to lose ground internationally with the reunification of Germany , the fall of the Berlin Wall or the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan . For the first time since the beginning of the Soviet era , free elections , the political parties are allowed in 1990. This opening is the opportunity for people of different nationalities in the USSR wishes to express their sovereignty . In June 1990, Yeltsin, President of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR declared the sovereignty of Russia . In August 1991, the Moscow putsch , led by conservative members of the Communist government opposed to democratic reforms ( glasnost and perestroika ) , shows how the Soviet central power was weakened . The plot failed largely due to the intervention of Boris Yeltsin and reformists who have thus increased their weight in the power struggle within the Kremlin. During the fall of 1991, the constituent republics of the USSR proclaims , one after another, their independence without Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev has the capacity or the will to oppose it . The Gorbachev resigned as president of the USSR, after Yeltsin proclaimed at a meeting in parliament, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and de facto independence from Russia, he now heads . On 21 December 1991 , the CPSU is dissolved by Mikhail Gorbachev and the USSR collapsed : the constituent republics become independent , CMEA (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ), created in 1949 and the Warsaw Pact (1955) are not. Russia , which is the historic core, gets the old world power three-quarters of its territory, more than half of its population , two-thirds of its industry and half of its agricultural production. Main heir of the USSR , it now occupies its place in international institutions, including the permanent seat on the Security Council of the UN, but also bears the financial liabilities of the former USSR. A political and economic union, the CIS was founded in 1991 in an attempt to maintain close ties between the countries of the USSR. Although Russia , led by Boris Yeltsin in 1991 , is the successor of the Soviet Union , it can not assume the role of superpower. The Russian Federation is facing many internal problems, including the laborious of a democratic political system and a secessionist war in Chechnya development , leaving the vast world politics to the Americans and their allies. Political and economic collapse of the independent Russian [edit | edit the code] Main article: Commonwealth of Independent States . In 1991, the first president of the new Russia , Boris Yeltsin created the existing institutions of the Russian state , it gives a liberal inflection plan privatizing national assets and land , often in dark conditions. The operation of the Russian company had to abandon socialism is deeply upset and leads to the enrichment of a minority ( such oligarchs Roman Abramovich , Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky , Viakhirev Rem . ) The decline in economic tool the weakening of the federal government and a catastrophic fall in living standards of Russians. Rapid reorganization combined with the effects of the breakup of the Soviet economic system have caused in the 1990s collapse of the economy , GDP is divided by two in a few years , while the mortality directly due these policies impact is estimated at several million people. From 1991 to 1995 , Russia saw dark years : inflation of 1000 % exponential unemployment , closure of old Russian factories , shrinking population . The defense sector is neglected . Strategic military bases close, arms suddenly disappear warehouses to be sold. At the same time , Russia must manage two Chechen wars launched by Dudayev , who happens to unite his people against Russian occupant . The army is increasingly held in check in the conflict against Islamic separatists in Chechnya. Completely free elections in 1993 are reflected in a rise in nationalist and maintaining an important Communist vote. A new constitution , adopted in December 1993 after a serious constitutional crisis and the bringing to the Congress of Peoples Deputies with the army, gives a presidential regime tower . The period is also characterized by large population movements between the states composing the USSR ( Russian population from neighboring states withdrawing Russia , Russian emigration of Jewish or German origin, brain drain) and even within Russia ( abandonment of the countryside and the most remote areas in Siberia ) . A peace agreement was signed August 31, 1996 with the Chechen forces. This agreement led to a standstill leaving Chechnya ( renamed Islamic Republic of Ichkeria ) de facto self-government in exchange for a promise of postponement of talks on independence. Economic and political disorder lasted until 1998, when the Russian financial system collapsed plunging a large part of the population in trouble (except for a tiny minority of the new rich , nicknamed new Russians ) . Two years after the peace accords , deadly attacks have marred several Russian cities , including Moscow, killing 293 dead. Putin accused the Chechen leadership . The way is open to declare total war against terrorists , and October 1, 1999 , the Russian army intervened again in the breakaway republic. According to non- governmental organizations, the number of civilians who died during the two wars is estimated between 100,000 and 300,000 . On 31 December 1999 , Boris Yeltsin abdicates in a long speech broadcast on NTV (string oligarch Gusinsky ) and ORT (string oligarch Berezovsky ) . It is a mea culpa for its management and fades in favor of his successor Vladimir Putin , a former KGB unknown politics, whose rapid rise is orchestrated by Berezovsky clan . The return of a strong Russia [ change | change the code] Main articles: Geo-strategy of Russia Treaty Organization Collective Security , Eurasian Economic Community Central Asian Economic Community and the Union of Russia and Belarus . The new Russian president , Vladimir Putin , a former KGB came to power in 2000, the objective to restore the functioning of the state and economy through a strong presidential system. The new president enjoys soaring commodity prices which Russia is the largest producer (oil, metals). He launched structural reforms among others to restore the vertical of power . Measures were also taken against tax fraud that result in the arrest of some oligarchs. Since 2000, Russia has experienced remarkable economic growth ( GDP growth of 7 % on average) . This boom is driven by the rise of the service sector (banking, insurance , distribution) and the growth in domestic consumption. Under the two terms of Vladimir Putin, Russia gradually becomes an actor weighing on global affairs. Vladimir Putin is very popular in the country, trying to give Russia a leading role on the international scene enjoying , among others , U.S. setbacks in Iraq, and renew close ties with the former republics of the USSR alternately wielding the hard way ( Belarus , Ukraine) and a more diplomatic approach. His successor, Dmitry Medvedev, is more liberal , but continues to apply the policy of Putin became Prime Minister. Moreover, the Ossetian war in 2008 extending Russian influence in the Caucasus , especially in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In 2012, he returns after a period of Dimitri Medvedevdurant which he is Prime Minister, because he can not earn three consecutive terms . Vladimir Putin Russia back on the international scene, in particular thanks to the Olympics in Sochi in 2014. In Notes and references [edit | edit the code] ↑ See the article What the Russians are Mongols in the magazine History No. 344 July-August 2009 ↑ 3.2 million according to UNICEF and IRC , up to 10 million, according to a Lancet study , see Deadly Democracy: Lancet Study Confirms Millions Died From Capitalist Shock Therapy See also [edit | edit the code] Bibliography [edit | edit the code] Nikolai Karamzin , History of the Russian Empire , Paris , vol. 1-8 , 1819-1820 (trans. August St. Thomas and Alexis Jauffret ) ; t . 9, 1823 (trans. August St. Thomas ) ; t . 10-11 , 1826 ( trans. Pavel Gavrilovitch Divov ) [ read online] Period until 1606 Michael Heller (trans. Anne - Coldefy Faucard ) History of Russia and its empire , Paris , Flammarion , coll. Field History, 2009 (1 ed. 1997) , 985 p. (ISBN 2081235331 ) François- Georges Dreyfus , A History of Russia: from the origins to Vladimir Putin editions Fallois , 2005 ( ISBN 2-87706-567-7 ) Nicholas Riasanovsky , History of Russia from its origins to 1996 , Paris , Robert Laffont , collection Touchstone 1996 , 843 p. (ISBN 2-221-08399-7 ) John Channon and Robert Hudson (ed. rev. And pref. Mandrillon by Marie-Hélène ) , Historical Atlas of Russia, 1997 , 144 p. (ISBN 2-82260-714-2 ) Marie- Pierre Rey, From Russia to the Soviet Union, the construction of the Empire , 1462-1953 , Oxford , 1994. Hélène Carrère dEncausse, Russia unfinished , Fayard, 2000. Luke Mary , The Last Days of the Romanovs , ed. Archipelago , 2008. Pierre- Charles Levesque (1736-1812) , History of Russia, 7 volumes , 1782-1783 . (en) Robert A. Saunders and Vlad Strukov , Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation , Scarecrow Press, Lanham MD, 2010 , 772 p. (ISBN 978-0-8108-5475-8 ) . 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Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 21:27:47 +0000

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