In the part of the sky that our Star calls home, the Sun and the - TopicsExpress


In the part of the sky that our Star calls home, the Sun and the Moon are creating the seed of a new beginning. Its happening in the sky that you see above you --and its also happening in the invisible sky, the sky thats within you. Todays New Moon is infused with the energy of Jupiter, the mighty Cosmic Blessing Giver. In his first 9 days in Leo, hes merged his vibrations with the Sun. Now its Lunas turn. Meanwhile, Mars is nearing the end of his first 24 hours in the intense and passionate vibrations of Scorpio. The Cosmic Warrior loves this energy, and today hes igniting the fire in your heart with dynamic and volatile. This is a Moon that’s urging you to move off that ledge youve been perched on for months -- and leap. Not timidly, but boldly. And exactly where is it that the Universe is asking you to take this auspicious and blessed leap? Claim Your Cosmic Blessing by Diving Straight Into Your Heart The dazzling energetic signatures of Leo – the warmth and generosity, the creativity and playfulness, the joy and boldness – are generated in your heart. That’s where this larger than life seed of creativity and good fortune is forming now. And thats where you can connect with its abundance and grace. Not in your self-image or even your goals -- in your heart. The place where you really cant fake it. So go there. Go deeply. Listen to the flutters of what is alive in your heart. Whatever it is, its infused now with grace and star power. Watch it closely, as you would any new being thats entered your life. Listen to its joys and sorrows, and appreciate its longings. Listen to its needs. Cherish its smallness. Nurture it with your praise and your attention. Help it grow. When you take that leap, do it from your heart -- and for your heart. This month especially, everything depends on that. Assimilation Time: Outer Planets at a Standstill In the last week, a series of great shifts have unfolded. Saturn has turned direct, and the brakes are slowly coming off. Uranus is now searching beneath the surface for the energy you need to embody quantum breakthrough. And last night, Mars became the 5th planet to change signs this month. Next week, Mercury joins the Sun and Jupiter in Leo. Yet while the planets closest to the Earth are moving rapidly, those that are at the far edges of our solar system are at a near-standstill. Since Aprils Cardinal Cross pulled our consciousness apart, Neptune, the Cosmic Mystic, and Chiron, the Cosmic Healer, have only moved a degree. Pluto has only moved 2 degrees, and Uranus 3. Even Saturn has moved only 2 degrees in the last 2 months. These are the planets who bring in energy that vibrates at a much higher frequency than our three-dimensional reality. The energy they carry is evolutionary. Since April, theyve slowed to a crawl -- giving us time to integrate the powerful energies of the spring. Although the long, awkward, 80-day period of nearly exact quincunx between Saturn and Uranus peaked this week, well have another 34 days when our need for stability and our need for liberating change are forcing us to be patient as we seek the connection between them. Meanwhile, Chiron and Saturn in the midst of a 100-day trine. From May 19 until August 29, the Manifestor is pulling Chirons energy into three-dimensional reality. A 10-second scan of any days news headlines is all it takes to confirm that the wound in our consciousness and our world is becoming more and more real. As Leonard Cohen sings in his song Anthem, that broken place is how the Light gets in. That can only happen only, though, if we dont pretend we dont have a broken place. Or that those highly visible cracks in others have nothing to do with us. Chirons truth is that when we deny our brokenness, we close off the possibility of deep connection with Source and its manifestation as our sacred gift. Without our brokenness, were stranded in the shallowest waters of our lives. Its a delicate dance the Universe is inviting us to learn this month -- a kind of cosmic Tai Chi where we learn to be simultaneously bold and patient, active and receptive. If we can do it, we can count on magic happening. Wile you practice, here are some things to remember: Stay in your heart. Make it your base camp for the weeks ahead. That means tuning in to your heart. Pay attention. Taking it seriously. Acting when your heart requires it. And -- this is a biggie -- giving yourself what you most want from others. Every bit of it. Amplify the star power of your heart by releasing the clutter of outworn patterns and stale grudges. Honor the brokenness you see in yourself and in others. Regard it as the place that Source has entered your life and our world. Open your heart to all that is broken within you and ask the Universe to help you heal it. Do this every day until the Aquarius Full Moon. Consider it an experiment between Chiron, Saturn, and your heart. Blessings beautiful and divine souls!
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 22:47:31 +0000

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